…Mass Was Cancelled

Apr 7, 2020

A friend of our Center responded to one of last week’s blog posts with this poem by her friend,Bon Secours Chapel Catherine Coundjeris. Catherine wanted to share her poem with our community too. Our lives certainly changed just a few weeks ago, during the month of March. Catherine writes this poem about one of those major changes to our lives, the inability to gather in our churches and chapels for Mass. After you read it, please share if the absence of your church community is affecting you too. Let’s virtually connect and reach out to one another during this time of great loss. May you be able to read this in communion with nature, with God and with each other.

                                         The March Mass was Cancelled 

Mass is cancelled

this weekend

because of a pandemic.

The sun rose warm and

the clouds of glory gathered beautifully

against the blue sky.

The birds sang as a cool breeze blew

and the redbuds have begun to open.

Spiritual communion with God’s creation

with God himself is possible

from valley to mountain


School is closed and my classes are cancelled.

Store shelves are empty.

Sporting events and entertainment

postponed for better times.

Hospitals brace for an onslaught.

Mass was cancelled

this weekend

because of a pandemic


in hopes to stave the tide.

I long for communion with my God

Eucharist in the bread and wine

but live stream TV is now my option.

To witness Mass rather

than participate in it,

but Christ said

Blessed are they who do not see and yet believe

who worship the Father in spirit.


Mass was cancelled

this weekend

because of a pandemic, but

he fed his people manna in the wilderness and it is there

we will find peace of mind

when the darkness creeps about on stealthy feet.


We will cry out to the Lord and he will hear us:

our voices ascending the stormy skies

in one accord seeking the healing grace

of the Divine Physician.

We need only believe

and the mountain will move.

Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center
1525 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104

A Ministry of the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
Bon Secours International

© 2025 Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center. All rights reserved.

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