Independence Day

Jul 4, 2020

In addition to serving as the Director of the Associates for the Sisters of Bon Secours, Amy Kulesa also leads some of our retreats at the Retreat & Conference Center. She oversees and often facilitates our weekly Centering Prayer sessions and this December she’ll be leading a Centering Prayer weekend retreat during the Advent season. You can click here to learn more about her.

On our national Independence Day, I found this quote and thought it provided an encouraging, refreshing respite in the midst of our recent troubles and conflicts. It is a reminder to be a child of God, and to rest in that peace. Enjoy the holiday, and may we celebrate all we have at the same time that we continue to strive to heal the wounds caused by injustice and illness. 


“Difficulties should not depress or divert us. The cause that has gripped us is so great that the small weaknesses of individuals cannot destroy it. Therefore I ask you only one thing: do not be so worried about yourself. Free yourself from all your plans and aims. They occupy you far too much. Surrender yourself to the sun, the rain, and the wind, as do the flowers and the birds. Surrender yourself to God. Wish for nothing but one thing: that his will be done, that his kingdom come, and that his nature be revealed. Then all will be well.”

By Eberhard Arnold, from Seeking Peace