Spirituality – 6

Jul 26, 2020

Fr. Michael Schleupner offers today’s final reflection in the series about spirituality. We’re so grateful for his insight throughout this series. Let’s take a few quiet moments to read and pray…

Spirituality – 6 

Dear Friends,

In the past weeks, I have reflected on Spirituality and on four of its core elements: Faith, Prayer, Habit, and Connectedness. This series concludes today as my attention turns to one more core element: Beauty. Beauty, as an element of spirituality, may at first sound surprising.

By beauty, I mean nature – trees and forests, mountains and oceans – and works of art – paintings, sculpture, movies, music, and poetry. Objects of beauty can put us in touch with the deeper and deepest realities of life.In doing this, they can put us in touch with God and lead us to God. They can give us glimpses of light when we are in darkness.

For example, the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”. This movie – a work of beauty – has probably helped many people to stay focused or get refocused on God especially when they are in some personal darkness.Spirituality in beauty

Think of the beautiful piece of sculpture, The Pieta by Michelangelo. This captivates almost everyone, regardless of their faith, in a profound way. It expresses pain and suffering, but also love and compassion all at the same time.

Think of a crucifix or some statuary or stained-glass windows. This religious art has a way of stirring faith and hope and leads us to God.

Or, just think of a walk on the beach at the ocean, or maybe a ride through the mountains of western Maryland. There is something about the beauty here that just places us in touch with our inner self. It can lift us and lead us to inner peace and to God.

So, make some space for beauty in your life. It is part of a healthy spirituality. It will awaken God’s presence within us and enhance our relationship with God.

Gracious God, help us to remember: our hearts are restless until they rest in you! Amen!

~Father Michael Schleupner

Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center
1525 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104

A Ministry of the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
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