We Are One

Aug 6, 2021

Today’s prayer comes from Sr. Bernie Claps, Manager of Spiritual Care and Mission at our Center and also the Sisters of Bon Secours Formation Director. She recently read this during her evening prayer time and she wanted to share it with our community too. May we remember the big things today. Thank you, Sr. Bernie!

Keep me, oh God, from all pettiness;we are one

let us be large

in thought, in word, in deed.

Let us be done with fault-finding

and leave off all self-seeking.

May we put away all pretense

and meet each other face-to-face

without self-pity and without prejudice.

May we never be hasty in judgement

and always generous.

Let us take time for all things

and make us grow calm, serene and gentle.

Teach us to put into action

our better impulses,

straight-forward and unafraid.

Grant that we may realize that

it is the little things of life

that create differences

that in the big things of life

we are one.

And, O Lord God,

let us not forget to be kind.


~Mary Stuart

Verse: Holy Spirit of God, guide my way today.

Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer Ed. By Douglas Fisher and Brett Hoover, Paulist Press