Walk and Pray in Nature Today

Sep 3, 2021

Let’s take a few moments to center ourselves with prayer and a (virtual) walk through the forest. Many of the scenes in this beautiful video could be from the woods around our Center.  May you have a deeper appreciation for the simple vine wrapping around a tree in the sunlight or the diligent ant making it’s journey home on your next walk in nature. Pray with us.

Creation Prayerpray, nature prayer

God our Father,

you created the world and sent your own Son to live among us,

made of the same stuff,

breathing the same air,

marveling at sunrise and sunset just as we do.

Help us to participate in the life around and within us as your life,

as you living in us and we living in you and in each other.

God of love and life,

restore us to your peace,

renew us through your power and teach us to love all that you have created

and to care for the earth as your gift and our home.

~ The Earth Community: In Christ through the Integrity of Creation


Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center
1525 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104

A Ministry of the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
Bon Secours International

© 2025 Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center. All rights reserved.

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