We are excited to have author Wil Hernandez back with us for a retreat at the end of this month. Wil has studied the work of the incredible spiritual writer Henri Nouwen for many years and will be providing rich insights into spirituality and spiritual accompaniment during his “Henri Nouwen: Master of Soul Care” retreat (click here to learn more). Nouwen still inspires the world of spiritual seekers with his wisdom in writing. We’re including a few quotes today for your own inspiration. May this be an aid to your time of reflection and prayer as you move into the weekend.

Join us for a retreat about the spirituality of Henri Nouwen with expert Wil Hernandez.
“Jesus came to announce to us that an identity based on success, popularity and power is a false identity- an illusion! Loudly and clearly he says: ‘You are not what the world makes you; but you are children of God.” (Here and Now: Living in the Spirit)
“While optimism makes us live as if someday soon things will soon go better for us, hope frees us from the need to predict the future and allows us to live in the present, with the deep trust that God will never leave us alone but will fulfill the deepest desires of our heart… Joy in this perspective is the fruit of hope.” (Here and Now: Living in the Spirit)
“It wasn’t that the Gospel proved useful for my many worries but that the Gospel proved the uselessness of my worries and so refocused my whole attention.” (Here and Now: Living in the Spirit)
“solitude begins with a time and a place for God, and God alone. If we really believe not only that God exists but also that God is actively present in our lives– healing, teaching and guiding– we need to set aside a time and space to give God our undivided attention. (Matt 6:6)”
(Making All Things New and Other Classics)
“I know that I have to move from speaking about Jesus to letting him speak within me, from thinking about Jesus to letting him think within me, from acting for and with Jesus to letting him act through me. I know the only way for me to see the world is to see it through his eyes.”
“The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing… not healing, not curing… that is a friend who cares.”
“While my friend always spoke about the sun, I kept speaking about the clouds, until one day I realized that it was the sun that allowed me to see the clouds.”