Teach me, O Lord

Oct 15, 2021

Today’s post is a prayer by Henri Nouwen. If you are drawn to the spiritual writings of Nouwen, you may want to learn more about our upcoming retreat presented by Wil Hernandez too. Click here to read about the “Henri Nouwen: Master of Soul Care” retreat that he will guide October 27-31. Now, let’s take a few moments of quiet to pray together…

“Listen, O Lord, to my prayers. Listen to my desire to be with you, to dwell in your house, and to letHenri Nouwen, prayer my whole being be filled with your presence. But none of this is possible without you. When you are not the one who fills me, I am soon filled with endless thoughts and concerns that divide me and tear me away from you. Even thoughts about you, good spiritual thoughts, can be little more than distractions when you are not their author.

Every day I see again that only you can teach me to pray, only you can set my heart at rest, only you can let me dwell in your presence. No book, no idea, no concept or theory will ever bring me close to you unless you yourself are the one who lets these instruments become the way to you.

But Lord, let me at least remain open to your initiative; let me wait patiently and attentively for that hour when you will come and break through all the walls I have erected.

Teach me, O Lord, to pray.


~From A Cry for Mercy by Henri J. M. Nouwen