
Jul 17, 2022

The torrential rains drenching our earthgrace
Pelting from the shrouded sky
Enfolding our days in sorrowful grays
We could weep,
but for the flourish of life revealed

The fierce winds gusting our earth
Churning wide from the swirling air
Shaking our days in fearful frays
We could tremble,
but for the sweep of fresh air imbued

The fiery sun bearing down on our earth
Blasting hot light from its blazing sphere
Scorching our days with merciless rays
We could retreat,
but for the banquet of color displayed

The eternal I AM reigning over His creation
Slowly swaying all to the rhythm of the Sacred
Holding our days in mystery and maze
We could doubt,
but for the stream of mercies unfolding
Deo Gratias

~ Michelle Randall

This poem was composed by Sisters of Bon Secours Marriottsville Associate-in-formation Michelle Randall. It reflects the 2022 Associates theme: Raising Hope – Re-engaging Charism and Mission. The Sisters of Bon Secours have accompanied people from birth to death since the order was founded in 1824. This poem reflects the charism that guides the mission of the Sisters and the lives of each woman and man who commits to live by this charism – being “Good Help” by offering compassion, healing and liberation to all people and all of nature through all phases of life.

“Grace” echoes the cycle of passion, death and resurrection experienced by Christ, nature, and the life of every person. One of the Marriottsville Associates referred to this poem as a modern-day Psalm 23. From this perspective, Michelle raises hope that the challenges of life are offset by grace. If we but wait for the end of the sentence – in the poem and in our days – we can find hope and grace.

~Shared by Linda Mastro