From the mountainside, from the seaside,
from the homes of the rich
and the company of the poor,
from the bedside of those who are sick,
Jesus is coming!
Along dusty roads,
with a ragged band of travelers,
Jesus comes to Jerusalem,
Will we greet him with Hosannas?Let’s pray:
We have come to meet you today, Jesus.
We don’t know quite what to expect.
We think we know what we need,
how you can meet our needs.
But we come humbly, laying our coats before you.
It’s your call.
Reveal to us who you are,
how you can be a Savior in our lives,
a Savior in our world today.
Come, Lord Jesus!
A Palm Sunday Prayer
O Lord Jesus Christ,
when you entered Jerusalem,
great crowds waved palm branches and cried “Hosanna.”
Save us now from our sins,
and make us to rejoice in you,
our only Redeemer;
through your mercy, O our God,
you are blessed,
and live and govern all things,
now and forever.
~Rev. Chas. R. Hale, New York, 1881, p. 24 #2