Prayers for the Graduate

May 31, 2023

Graduation season is upon us! Friends and family are traveling to celebrate college graduations and others are gathering at local high schools to mark the commencement of loved ones. We celebrate these big milestones today as we pray for guidance on their journey ahead.

Good and gracious God,prayers for graduates
This is the day, Lord! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Today is the culmination of years of work, years filled with challenges and triumphs,
losses and laughter, friendships and growth.
We thank you, Lord, for getting us safely to this day.
We thank you for the gift of family, friends and teachers who have supported these children of yours
and celebrate with them now.
Dear God, bless these graduates, every one, and fill them with the Spirit of your love.
We pray that as they go forth to set the world on fire,
may they remember you are in all things and all people.
May they continue to challenge themselves intellectually
and share the fruit of their knowledge.
May their commitment to justice lead them to make a positive difference in our world.
May they build community wherever they go
and remain forever the important part of our community that they are today.
And may they, through their ongoing growth in wisdom and grace,
bring others to you as they share their talents in the wider world.
We ask you, who are both Father and Mother,
to protect and guide these Men and Women for Others throughout their lives.
We ask this in the name of your son Jesus, who unites us with one another and with you forever.



God of journeys, endings, and new beginnings,
through the highs and lows, the twists and turns
this class has faced along the way,
we have faith that your love has guided them
from the moment they began up to graduation day.

We give you thanks and praise for the goodness that shines
in the relationships formed, knowledge learned,
and memories made through this school.

Bless the body, mind, and soul of every graduate,
that they may celebrate your glory in themselves and all creation,
and use their education to build your kingdom of peace.


~Rev. Timothy J.S. Seamans