Welcome, Bold, Truth Seeking, Questioning Women!

Jul 23, 2023

We are thrilled to welcome back retreat presenter, Sr. Mary Ellen O’Dea, for a week-long women’s retreat today! Her “Live Boldly – Seek Truth – Ask Questions” retreat will focus on Eve and Sheba and pull lessons for this gathering of women. We ask that you hold them all in prayer for this special week of spiritual insights.


Strength comes from seeing:women's retreat

the eye that fiercely holds the mark

so arrow surely follows.

Do not be deterred!

And when you have the need,

I offer my protection–

Only call

and I am there.


O my sisters, come!

There is pleasure in leafy glen,

in sinew to race with the wind!


O come!

We gather now on sacred ground,

and bonding, link the earth around,

to free the spirit, heal the wound–

a sisterhood of wind and moon.

~Nancy Rose Meeker