The Goodness & Complexity of our World

Mar 10, 2024

Today is the fourth Sunday of Lent, often known as Laetare Sunday, which means “rejoice” in Latin. This week, we are reminded of God’s love for us through the actions of his son, Jesus.

It is also Harriet Tubman Day, a day to commemorate the bravery and courage of one of America’s greatest Abolitionists. She was also a follower of Jesus and is quoted frequently about her trust in God to lead her in her efforts to free approximately 70 enslaved people (from National Park Service data).

“I said to the Lord, I’m going to hold steady on to you, and I know you will see me through”

~Harriet Tubman, Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman By Sarah Hopkins Bradford.

Let us be reminded of Harriet Tubman’s dedication to creating a more just, loving world. Today and always.

Join us in a special prayer today for the 4th Sunday of Lent:

Let us pray.

God our Father, in your unfailing love and goodness, hear us as we bring to you our prayers for the world and for all people . In this period of Lent we come to you aware of our unreadiness for the enormity of the Easter message, that Christ suffered and died for us and was yet raised in glorious victory.. Grant us healing in our souls Lord, and in the souls of all who search for meaning in their lives.

We give you thanks for your beautiful world , for all its richness and complexity .for the foretaste of spring and summer we have enjoyed this week and pray for better awareness of the needs of our planet and sensitivity to the conservation of its resources. We give you thanks for our senses which enable us to enjoy the splendor of your world around us, the sight and scent of flowers, the sound of birdsong, the feeling of warmth from the sun.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

(written by: Sue Allen /