Embracing the Sacredness of Water

Mar 22, 2024

As we commemorate World Water Day, we are called to reflect on the significance of water not only as a vital resource for sustaining life but also as a sacred gift from the Divine. In alignment with the Sisters of Bon Secours’ Corporate Statement on Water, we are reminded of our responsibility to safeguard this precious resource and ensure its accessibility to all people.

In recognizing the interconnectedness of all life forms, we acknowledge our duty to protect and preserve water for future generations. This commitment is deeply rooted in our spiritual teachings, urging us to be stewards of creation and advocates for justice.

As we join hands on World Water Day, let us answer the call to action embedded within the Sisters’ Statement on Water. Let us work together to ensure access to clean water for all, advocate for sustainable water management practices, and remember the sacredness of water in our hearts and communities.

The Bon Secours Associates have partnered with Water With Blessings to provided water filtration systems to communities in Peru that do not have access to clean drinking water. If you feel moved to support that partnership, please consider making a donation: Bon Secours Associates Water With Blessings Project.