Epiphany House Blessings

Jan 5, 2025

The lore surrounding the Magi has fascinated generations of believers and seekers for countless centuries. Couched in the mystique of the Christmas story, the role of these wise astrologers has evolved over time for individuals and communities as their personal meaning and contributions have been explored.

Join us on the Epiphany (or “Little Christmas” as it is known) for a mini retreat away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. During our gathering together via Zoom, those present will consider information about these ancient figures and their legacy while applying the gift of their star-inspired journey to each participant’s respective story.

Register here for our Virtual Epiphany Retreat 



It has been a tradition in the Catholic Church to bless chalk at the Masses for Epiphany, and then use the blessed chalk as part of blessing one’s home in the New Year.

The home blessing can be done as follows:

Using the blessed chalk, mark the current year and the initials of the Maji above the outside doorways of your home. Place a cross between each of the letters. It should look something like this:


(XX =last two digits of current year)

After completing the above markings, pray the following prayer:


May all who come to our home this year

rejoice to find Christ living among us;

and may we seek and serve,

in everyone we meet,

that same Jesus who is Lord of all people,

forever and ever. Amen.


The legendary names of the three Maji are:

Casper, Melchior, and Balthasar.

The initials C+M+B also stand for ther Latin words,

“Christus Mansionem Benedicat” which means:

“May Christ bless this dwelling.”

The markings over the doors should be left all year round as a sign that yours is a Christian home.