Remaining faithful when God feels absent

Feb 23, 2025
“As we look around our world, our country, our communities, and our families, we witness suffering that can seem cruel, perhaps even beyond what humans can be expected to bear. It is in moments like these that God may feel distant, unreachable, maybe even absent. It can cause not only spiritual despair but a doubt so deep that we may begin to question the very foundation of faith that has always shored us up.” — Mary DeTurris Poust
When we find ourselves wavering in prayer, or maybe even skipping prayer because we are overwhelmed, it’s good to pause what we’re doing and make an effort to connect to God in that moment. Our job is not to figure everything out but to show up in prayer every day and let God be God.
Read the full Life Lines column by Mary DeTurris Poust, a writer, retreat leader and spiritual director living in upstate New York.
Mary will be leading “The Journey Is the Goal” retreat at Bon Secours July 17-20, 2025.