Radiance — the ability to see beneath the surface of Matter and into its Heart — is the hallmark of a true contemplative. In The Divine Milieu, Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin teaches us how to deepen our ability to access the radiance of Matter’s inner face and to respond to the Divine Presence we encounter there.
During this retreat, we will read and pray with some of Teilhard’s most beautiful mystical essays in which he shares with us the inner glow that drew him more and more deeply into an encounter with the living presence of Christ Incarnate in Matter throughout his life. Guided by Sr. Kathleen Duffy.
Check-in begins at 4pm. There will be a brief welcome session at 5:30pm, followed by dinner at 6pm. The retreat begins after dinner at 7pm on Sunday and concludes before lunch on Saturday.
A commuter option is also available for this retreat for $380. The commuter option does not include lodging or breakfast. Please register for the commuter option by calling 410-442-3120.
Sr. Kathleen Duffy, SSJ, Ph.D. is Professor Emerita of Physics and Director of the Institute for Religion and Science at Chestnut Hill College. She is President of the American Teilhard Association, Associate Editor of Teilhard Studies, a biannual publication of the American Teilhard Association, and serves on the Board of Cosmos and Creation. Her current research includes the religious essays of Jesuit paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the relationship of his synthesis to modern developments in science. She has published Teilhard’s Mysticism: Seeing the Inner Face of Evolution, Teilhard’s Struggle: Embracing the Work of Evolution, an edited volume of essays about Teilhard’s life and work titled Rediscovering Teilhard’s Fire, as well as numerous book chapters and articles about Teilhard. Sr. Kathleen also guides evening, weekend, and weeklong retreats on topics related to Teilhard’s life and work.