Exploring Paradox from Wisdom and Spiritual Teachers as We Face Loss
Hebrew sage Martin Buber teaches: “Suffering brings reflection, and reflection brings wisdom.”
Join us as we reflect on how intrinsic “paradox” is to our human journey. Over time, we can see that the dry dead seeds of winter contain abundant life…and out of mud, lotus flowers grow….and that losing and finding can be great partners in the dance of life. Somehow, the heartbreak of loss can help break us open to new ways of seeing.
Wisdom and spiritual teachers enlighten us and help us see with “new eyes.” Come and learn and be encouraged by teachers from around the globe. We will have time for presentation, discussion, quiet reflection, journaling, wandering the Center’s grounds, and sharing stories-of-example. Lunch is included. Guided by Annie Hisle.
Annie Hisle is a practicing psychotherapist and bereavement counselor and is a retired Montgomery Hospice grief counselor group facilitator. She is a spiritual companion, a home bound minister, workshop facilitator, and author of two books: My House Burned Down and Now I Can See the Stars and Remembering Smiles. She enjoys seven nearby grandchildren, yoga, movies, meals, long walks with her spouse and/or friends, as well as participating in her Shalem Centering Prayer Group, her bi-monthly women’s group, and a book group.