Surprise Ahead!
What if we knew each morning, each start of a day (or a year) to be full of promise and good, and so we met each one with expectation and joy? What if we woke up and barreled into the new day like children hurrying to the tree on Christmas morning? Is that only for little ones? Can we hear God saying as we wake, “I have a gift for you, and I can’t wait for you to open it, to see it.” Imagine!
As we approach 2026, is it possible we can see and live this way? What gets in the way?
Before the night of fireworks, toasts, first footings, (or early bedtime!), spend the day with the Hope who holds you, who will help you hold fast to hope, wonder, and surprise. Lunch is included. Guided by Joanne Cahoon.
Joanne Cahoon, D.Min. holds a bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies, master’s degree in Religion/Pastoral Ministry, graduate certificates in spiritual direction and in spirituality studies, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where her specialization was spirituality and practical theology. Along the way, Joanne has taught in elementary, secondary, undergraduate, and graduate school settings. She has also served as youth minister, high school campus minister, consultant, writer, national trainer, diocesan staff member, staff member of a graduate school, spiritual director, facilitator of retreats, and professional coach. Joanne has welcomed and worked with many individuals and groups, serving them as they listen for God’s invitations in their personal and corporate lives. She finds it a privilege to be involved in spiritual and human formation — bringing deep listening, presence, creativity, and a commitment to her own ongoing formation to her work.