Comfort and Joy
Comfort: console; cheer; give strength and hope
Joy: long lasting state of being content; contentment
Comfort and joy are more than nice words shared in song during the holiday season. They are “ways of being” that we seek…and a place we want to dwell. Comfort and joy can evade us in the ebb and flow of daily life — and most especially during times of transition, struggle, and chaos. Through it all, we can give and receive comfort. We can dwell in joy. The invitation to recognize, remember, and recommit is always present.
This weekend is an opportunity to accept that invitation. We will recognize those times when life drains our comfort and joy. We will remember those moments, events, and seasons of life when we gave and received comfort, when we experienced joy. We will explore ideas and share practices to help us strengthen these ways of being and recommit to remaining rooted in comfort and joy.
In the company of friends old and new, as a community of women, we will tell stories, laugh, reflect, and celebrate. Our departure will turn us toward the days ahead to console and cheer, give strength and hope, and live into lasting contentment.
The retreat begins with dinner, and then we’ll have a social time of games, activities, and laughter. Saturday begins with a feature presentation, followed by a choice of workshops to attend throughout the afternoon. You will be emailed a list of choices a few weeks before the retreat. Saturday evening will be a time of socializing, crafts, and a movie. On Sunday, the presenter will close the weekend with a special presentation. Guests will depart after lunch.
You won’t want to miss this special annual retreat. Many guests return year after year, and we welcome new guests too!
If you’d like to arrive a day early, click here to register for the EARLY ARRIVAL REGISTRATION OPTION.
About the Presenter
Andrea Springer, MA has spent many years in executive administration and formation. She is a graduate of the College of Notre Dame of Maryland, now Notre Dame of Maryland University, with both Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in liberal arts and religious studies. In addition to being a graduate of the University, she is an adjunct faculty member. Andrea designs and facilitates workshops and retreats for a variety of organizations and has been a popular presenter for Women’s Wellness and other Bon Secours retreats.