Retreats & Events

Please click on our events to find out more about these retreats, which are sponsored by the Bon Secours Retreat and Conference Center. If you would like information about scheduling a group conference to come to our Center, please call 410-442-3120. Conferences are distinguished from retreats because the group comes to our center for the facilities, lodging and/or meals, but they have their own presenter and attendees. Retreats are events that we plan here at the Center and that are open to the public to attend.

To maintain an atmosphere of quiet relaxation, we are an adult-only Retreat & Conference Center. Our retreat and event registrations are only open to those who are 18 and over. Please also note that only certified service animals are permitted during your stay. Thank you.

For more details, additional programs and registration information please call: 410.442.3120

Quiet Mornings – In Person Session

Quiet Mornings sessions are currently being held in-person on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (It is also held virtually on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday and 4th Saturday. Every virtual session is held from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon.) Please email Joanne at for the Zoom sessions invitation. … Continue reading



In-Person Centering Prayer Session

Held in person on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1-2pm and on the 4th Tuesday of the month, 7-8pm. For these in-person sessions, registration is required in advance, due by the Monday before each in-person session.  (Virtual Zoom sessions will be the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays of the … Continue reading



Grief Retreat

The Revolution of Openness: Experiencing Grief and Loss in a New Era The concept of grieving the loss of loved ones as a journey allows human beings to understand the healing process in stages, with accompanying tasks and with needs that are both universal and unique.  Yet there are many … Continue reading



In Search of Sanctuary

Sanctuary is wherever I find safe space to regain my bearings, reclaim my soul, heal my wounds, and return to the world as a wounded healer. It’s not merely about finding shelter from the storm: it’s about spiritual survival. ~Parker Palmer   The word “sanctuary” typically evokes a sense of peace, … Continue reading



Friends Day of Prayer: Sharon Scibek

Compassion as a Spiritual Practice: Discovering How Awareness of Our Feelings and Needs Brings Us to a Place of Compassion for Self and Others    Our daily lives are inundated with opportunities to be more compassionate, yet often we do not know how to respond. The question becomes for us, “How … Continue reading



Fall Tree Speak Morning Retreat

Tree Speak: Learning and Reverencing the Life, Language, and Lessons of Trees  “But we shouldn't be concerned about trees purely for material reasons, we should also care about them because of the little puzzles and wonders they present us with. Under the canopy of the trees, daily dramas and moving … Continue reading



Spiritual Direction Institute, Session 2

The Bon Secours Spiritual Direction Institute offers a nationally-recognized training program in the art and skill of spiritual direction. Over the course of a year, participants gather three times, each time for an intensive week. Session 2 is a week-long intensive course that will provide a deeper foundation for understanding … Continue reading



Quiet Mornings – In Person Session

Quiet Mornings sessions are currently being held in-person on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (It is also held virtually on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday and 4th Saturday. Every virtual session is held from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon.) Please email Joanne at for the Zoom sessions invitation. … Continue reading



In-Person Centering Prayer Session

Held in person on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1-2pm and on the 4th Tuesday of the month, 7-8pm. For these in-person sessions, registration is required in advance, due by the Monday before each in-person session.  (Virtual Zoom sessions will be the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays of the … Continue reading



Mini Fall Yoga & Meditation Retreat

The holidays can be tough. Amid joy, many of us experience stress from overspending, travel, grieving the loss of a loved one, traditional holiday expectations, and loneliness. Join us for an opportunity to slow down, notice, and reflect as we prepare to take a mindful pause before the holidays. During … Continue reading



Habits of Holiness

Sale: Take advantage of our Earlybird special rate of $55 through 9/19/2024.

Could your life benefit from a little more structure, especially as it relates to your prayer life?  This day retreat will provide some key practices drawn from Ignatian Spirituality so each participant can develop new habits leading to a holier life. Lunch is included. Paul Gallagher, D.Min. is a longtime faith … Continue reading



Make My Joy Complete Retreat

Our world promotes the need to be happy. In TV and magazine ads, billboards and social media feeds, award shows and shop windows, everything is geared toward the same goal: convincing us that if only we had this thing, looked this way, owned this (fill-in-the-blank), we would finally have the … Continue reading



SoulCollage® Weekend

The SoulCollage® paradigm was created by the late psychologist, Seena B. Frost, as an engaging intuitive collaging process that uses images to explore and depict the inner workings of your own conscious and subconscious mind, as well as the opportunity to explore the many aspects of your strengths, shadows, and … Continue reading



Friends Day of Prayer: Fr. Gene Nickol

Being Thankful   National Gratitude Month in November encourages us to embrace a spirit of gratitude in our daily lives, and the Thanksgiving holiday reminds us to be thankful for our many blessings. For our November Friends Day of Prayer, Fr. Gene Nickol will guide us in exploring the biblical perspective … Continue reading



The Gifts of Autumn

Sale: Take advantage of our Earlybird special rate of $255 through 9/8/2024.

Ancient people recognized the autumn season as a liminal time, as the days shorten and twilight and darkness increase. It was seen as a time when the veil between this world and the spiritual world was thinner, enveloped into the Christian tradition in the commemorations of Halloween, All Saints, and … Continue reading



Quiet Mornings – In Person Session

Quiet Mornings sessions are currently being held in-person on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (It is also held virtually on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday and 4th Saturday. Every virtual session is held from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon.) Please email Joanne at for the Zoom sessions invitation. … Continue reading



In-Person Centering Prayer Session

Held in person on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1-2pm and on the 4th Tuesday of the month, 7-8pm. For these in-person sessions, registration is required in advance, due by the Monday before each in-person session.  (Virtual Zoom sessions will be the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays of the … Continue reading



3-Night Ignatian Spirituality Retreat

Sale: Take advantage of our Earlybird special rate of $320 through 9/14/2024.

Are you looking to go deeper in your relationship with God?  Join us as we experience the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Our retreat will explore some of the key aspects of the spirituality which flowed out of the life and Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, who … Continue reading



Mindfulness, Stress Reduction, and Connecting with God

Sale: Take advantage of our Earlybird special rate of $55 through 10/19/2024.

We spend a lot of our lives busily going from one task to the next. We often miss the present moment. The present moment is where we meet God. The present moment is also where we find the space to respond in healthier ways to our experiences instead of reacting … Continue reading



VIRTUAL Continuing Education for Spiritual Directors

Spiritual Direction and Mental Health Issues  This virtual continuing education workshop for spiritual directors will focus on mental health issues such as depression, addiction, anxiety, and the trauma of abuse and their effects on the spiritual life. We will explore the ways our spiritual and mental/emotional lives intersect and mutually … Continue reading



Friends Day of Prayer: Dr. Kathy Staudt

Come, Lord Jesus: Praying with Poetry for Advent   Advent is a season of longing, of waiting in hope, of sometimes embracing darkness. These are feelings that take us beyond words and into prayer. This Friends Day, we will use the words of several poets to lead us into prayer. The … Continue reading



Grief Retreat

Sale: Take advantage of our Earlybird special rate of $55 through 11/7/2024.

Guidance From Wisdom and Spiritual Teachers as We Face Loss   Hebrew sage Martin Buber taught: “Suffering brings reflection, and reflection brings wisdom.”  Join us as we reflect on and discuss Perennial Wisdom that has encouraged and enlightened people around the globe throughout the ages as they grieve. We will have … Continue reading



What our guests are saying about their stay at The Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center
"A wonderful, peaceful experience. Very comforting atmosphere."
— Johns Hopkins
"Thank you for the comfort and warmth. The grounds are wonderful."
— Hempfield United Methodist Church
"Really helped in my continued grieving process. Very helpful. Grace filled retreat."
— August Directed Retreat
"Loved your retreat center! Thank you for delicious meals and happy employees/facilitators!"
— Immaculate Heart of Mary
"Everything went very smoothly. The presentations were excellent. The bookstore had a great supply of the recommended books."
— Making All Things New
"I have been coming here for 25 years and it adds so much to my spiritual life."
— Aging with Wisdom
"From the first time I inquired about the retreat I was given great information. Very informative team and more than willing to answer questions."
— University of Baltimore
"Beautiful campus. Food was outstanding. Thank you for being so welcoming."
— School of the Cathedral
"Everyone goes out of their way to be helpful and makes guests feel welcome."
— A Path and a Small Light
"The Retreat Center is spotless, offers good food, private full baths, seems to have a “happy” staff, persons from office, persons to do housekeeping and all. The hospitality of all is 'tops'. I love the quietness that is encouraged."
— Aging with Wisdom
"Could not have been better in any way."
— Gift of Animals: Our Spiritual Companions
"The quality of the food and the selections were outstanding. Thank you all for an amazing visit."
— Bon Secours Health System, Inc.
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