The Center’s History

We are so proud to be in our 55th year as a spiritual center for the community and beyond! Countless guests have discovered our spiritual oasis in Marriottsville, Maryland, and many remark that they feel like they are coming home when they return. The Sisters of Bon Secours were innovative in their design and dreams for the Center’s use when the ministry began in 1968 and we continue to design and adapt facilities and programs to fit the needs of our guests today. The conference ministry has grown from a few groups holding yearly meetings to a full calendar of reservations by non-profit groups, businesses, churches and families. The retreat ministry, which started with Friends Day of Prayer retreats once per month, has grown to an average of 10 retreats per month! Retreats now include diverse topics and presenters that cater to an interfaith audience. We look forward to welcoming you for the 1st time or the 50th! Come up and hill and see what everyone is talking about!

Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center
1525 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104

A Ministry of the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
Bon Secours International

© 2025 Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center. All rights reserved.

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