Being ‘Good Help’ from Home

Apr 26, 2020

Today’s reflection comes from a familiar face at our Retreat & Conference Center, Kevin Cassidy. He is the Director of Operations for the Center and is spending most of his time working from home right now. Let’s take a quiet moment to read about his perspective, one that many of us likely share.

Being ‘Good Help’ from Home

As I am trapped in my house, under cover of COVID-19, I have time to:

  • Reflect on the beauty of Nature, as Spring shows it colors in the flowers, the trees, the grass.
  • Watch the birds flutter about, not seeming to be concerned we are home during the day.
  • Recognize the many gifts we have, if only we took the time to pause.
  • Appreciate our family and friends, and their smiles, and how much we long for their hugs.
  • Realize what a spectacular organization I am blessed to work for – Bon Secours. Literally translated – – Good Help.

When I go out to the grocery store, I see people going out of their way to acknowledge others’ presence. What was once a sense of obliviousness that there are others nearby, is now turned into an astute recognition that others are present…too present. Perhaps we need more practice in this arena, appreciating others, and not seeing them as a point of concern and disdain.

I watch the news, only to hear the increasing fear and dire predictions by the experts, while other “experts” dismiss these wild “over-reactions”, as the death toll continues to climb. Also in the news, I hear the glimmer of hope by the brilliant minds that are toiling in the laboratories to come up with a potential game-changing (though this is hardly a game) medication or vaccine. I also hear of the countless people in the medical field, from doctors and nurses, to technicians and first-responders, of their seemingly tireless efforts supporting those in most need of their talents, while potentially putting themselves in harm’s way.

I also see the way people are creatively taking care of the more vulnerable. Deliveries of food baskets, sharing signs of hope over social media, and looking out for the needs of their neighbors – – beautiful extensions of love to one another.

We are told this will eventually pass, and life will go back to normal. It is my hope that the new normal can further open our eyes to helping others, being Good Help to those in need.

Be safe. Keep your social distance. Wash your hands. Look out for your neighbor. Be kind. Pray.