Reflect the Peace of Christ

Feb 5, 2021

Today’s reflection comes from Amy Kulesa, Director of the Sisters of Bon Secours Associates and frequent retreat presenter. Amy graciously facilitates the weekly Centering Prayer schedule for the Retreat & Conference Center too. These sessions are being held in a virtual format and you just have to email Amy for the link and instructions. Click here and scroll to the next session for more information. Now, let’s take a quiet moment to reflect on this beautiful quote from Henri Nouwen that Amy shared.

Reflect the Peace of Christ meditation, prayer space

Maybe you should make a prayer room in your house . . . a place where you can go and often return and let God speak to you. . . .

Never forget the words “In this world you will have troubles but be brave: I have overcome the world.” Every time you spend silent time in your prayer room you celebrate Christ’s victory over the world (over death, over the evil one) and allow yourself to taste already now the peace that comes from this victory.

It is so important for the people around you to see that peace of Christ reflected in your eyes, your hands, and your words. There is more power in that than in all your teaching and organizing. That is the truth we need to keep telling each other.

~Henri J.M. Nouwen

Do you have a special place for prayer in your home or do you wish to have one? Share your ideas with us.