Prayer for Transformation

Oct 12, 2022

While observing the transformation that nature has begun to make around us, it can often prompt a self-reflection about a transformation within us and within our world. Many of our retreats stimulate this conversation and process here at the Center too. So, today, we are sharing this powerful prayer that will likely resonate with everyone in some way. Share your thoughts in the comments after you pray with us!

Prayer for Transformationpond, fall leaves

Lord, transform us – not for our benefit, but for the benefit of the world.
Do your work in us –
molding us,
making us,
shaping us,
changing us,
To be the new creation you have called us to be in Jesus Christ.

Do your work in our church –
Help us to be the body of Christ
engaged in mission,
testifying to the power of our faith,
witnessing to the presence of our living and loving
Savior, Jesus Christ.

Help us surrender the church back to you. It is yours, not ours.

Let us lay aside our personal agendas and preferences so we can be fully committed to your calling for us.

Do your work in our world –
Give to us a vision of transformed lives,
neighborhoods, and communities and how we can partner with you
to see what can happen when people of faith make an eternal difference –
living and loving like Jesus and giving themselves fully –
heart, mind, and strength –
to be the very presence of Jesus Christ in our world,
bringing blessings and redemption for the glory of God! Amen!