Spiritual Wellness Ingredients

Apr 26, 2023

Have you been following Fr. Michael Schleupner’s spiritual wellness series on our blog? Today, he concludes the series by summarizing his recipe for wholeness. These key points make it easy to locate the explanation of each within our blog too. Simply type the ingredient name into the search bar. We’re so grateful that Fr. Michael will be with us for two week-long directed retreats this summer too. He still has a few openings in the August retreat and it’s a great opportunity to assess your spiritual health and tune into how God may be speaking to you. Click here if you’d like to learn more: https://bonsecoursrcc.org/event/august-directed-retreat/.

Let’s take a few quiet moments to reflect on each of these ingredients as we evaluate our own spiritual wellness.

Spiritual Wellness – Conclusionspiritual wellness list
Dear Friends,
This series of columns on Spiritual Wellness began in January. I have proposed fourteen ingredients as being essential for spiritual wellness. As stated at the beginning, these are obviously written from a Christian perspective. Believers in other faith traditions might cite different ingredients for spiritual wellness.

Also, there might be other ingredients that should be listed here. There is no claim that this list is exhaustive. However, at this moment it does seem to me that the list is rather comprehensive.

Because of the unusual length of this series, I want to conclude today by listing these fourteen ingredients and making a request of you, the reader.

The ingredients are:
Stay centered on Jesus.
See yourself as beloved.
Make time to pray.
Live an inner life.
See yourself as you are.
Look beyond yourself.
Be thankful.
Be faithful.
Maintain a balance.
Belong to a community.
Appreciate beauty.
Be open.
Be humble.
Believe in the mystery.

I recommend that we use the above in examining our own spiritual life. See if these ingredients are present or are sufficiently present. Our answers may give us the direction for spiritual growth to which God is now calling us.

~ Fr. Michael Schleupner