We Are One

Aug 16, 2023

We are excited to welcome Pamela Ayo Yetunde this Friday for “The Dharma of Jesus” retreat (click here)! Ayo brings a wealth of spiritual knowledge to our audience. She will spend time with our guests, sharing the similaries between Buddhism and Christianity and how that can bring diverse faiths together through dialogue, prayer and meditation.

Ayo’s recent book “Casing Indra’s Net” has received rave reviews and we encourage you to learn more. Spirituality and Practice recently reviewed the book and shared:

Chapter 2 is essential: “Beyond the Golden Rule: Treating Others as They Need to Be Treated.” Ayo Yetunde teaches the Platinum Rule instead of the Golden Rule, the difference being that the Platinum Rule does not rely only on treating others as we want to be treated, but focuses instead on “learning about and respecting difference, and perhaps ultimately gaining cultural competencies we would otherwise never develop.” https://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/book-reviews/view/29311/casting-indras-net

How can we come together, learn and respect differences in our world today? Please pray with us. Pamela Ayo Yetunde

We Are One With You

O God, we are one with you. You have made us one with you.
You have taught us that if we are open to one another, you dwell in us.
Help us to preserve this openness and to fight for it with all our hearts. Help us to realize that there can be no understanding where there is mutual rejection.

O God, in accepting one another wholeheartedly, fully, completely, we accept you, and we thank you, and we adore you, and we love you with our whole being, because our being is your being, our spirit is rooted in your spirit. Fill us then with love, and let us be bound together with love as we go our diverse ways, united in this one spirit which makes you present in the world, and  which makes you witness to the ultimate reality that is love. Love has overcome. Love is victorious.

~Thomas Merton