A Prayer for Our Students

Aug 30, 2023

It is the beginning of a new school year in most areas of our country. Let’s take a few moments to hold students in prayer for a peaceful and successful school year, full of growth and support.

A Prayer for Our Students
I pray for:

Strength – that God gives them the strength to do what they need to do each day.prayer for school year

Courage – that they will be brave as they face the challenges that are before them.

Peace – that their hearts will be calm and peaceful as they go through their day and in their sleep at night.

Provision – asking God to provide for all that they need – for stamina, spirit, and finances – for each day.

Direction – that they will be led to embrace what is good and right.

Protection – that God keeps them safe in this increasingly unsafe world and protects them from harm and wickedness.

Joy – that God fills them with the kind of bliss joy that can only come from the Divine.

Compassion – that they will show compassion on those in need and who have less than they do.

Justice – to give them a sense of justice to stand up for what is right and to defend the weak.

Wisdom – that they will grow in knowledge and understanding.

Hope – to give them the hope that comes from above – the kind that far exceeds what we have in the here and now.

Love – that our children are filled with the love of God. That they will know how deeply they are loved, and that love will overflow onto others.

– Offered by Aaron Meis