We Are Connected

Oct 18, 2023

We Are Connectedhealing with love retreat


Although everyone is an individual,

we are all connected

Having a living body on earth

at this time makes

us accountable to each other


When things happen

in the universe collectively

it affects everyone singularly


“Am I my brother’s keeper?”

is not just a question

the answer is a truth

I’m responsible for you

as well as you are for me


No matter how much we may deny it

We all came to be

by way of two biblical firsts

and one master creator


When the world is in trouble,

we are all in trouble

and when we are all in trouble

We are driven to work fiercely together

to solve our way out of it


Our connection to each other

runs deep and strong,

yet invisible until

the need arise to be made known


I have so much hope

the connection will one day

shine bright enough for all to see

and become a permanent light

that will illuminate the world


~ Paula Parker