Making Room for Jesus’ Arrival

Dec 22, 2023

Today we share a beautiful video meditation by James Finley that was created a few years ago. He reminds us to make room for Jesus’ arrival, so we’ve included the prayer below that you may want to use before or after watching the video too. So, let’s take a few moments away from the hustle and bustle of the season to focus on what’s most important, preparing for the birth of Jesus in our hearts.

A Christmas Invitation
Come, come, Jesus, I await you…I am a poor shepherd; I have only a wretched stable, a small manger, some wisps of straw. I offer all these to you, be pleased to come into my poor hovel. I offer you my heart; my soul is poor and bare of virtues, the straws of so many imperfections will prick you and make you weep –but oh, my Lord, what can you expect? This little is all I have…I have nothing better to offer you, Jesus, honour my soul with your presence, adorn it with your graces. Burn this straw and change it into a soft couch for your most holy body.

(Written in 1902 by a young Italian seminarian named Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli who would later become Pope John XXIII)