The Twists & Turns of the Labyrinth

Feb 7, 2024

Our labyrinth was installed in 1999 through Nature Sacred (formerly the TKF Foundation). Nature Sacred’s mission is to create green spaces for all to enjoy and share the positive effects from spending time in nature.

Our labyrinth is a fixture on our property with many guests building time for a labyrinth walk into their retreat schedule, or others coming here with the sole intention of journeying through the labyrinth. It is a blessing to so many and we are grateful to be the stewards of such a sacred space.

Also installed were benches around the labyrinth so people could sit and reflect on their labyrinth experience. Tucked under the bench is a journal encouraging people to share their experience, their reflection, or their hopes. Nature Sacred gathered reflections from the journals from their vast array of sacred spaces and created a compilation book sharing some of the most powerful.

We are honored to have several entries from our labyrinth included. Below is just one…

I have much to learn about the labyrinth – prayerfully I enter, and remind myself that I am in no hurry. Seems we are always in a hurry these days, and that kind of lifestyle eats away my spirit. I thank God for bringing me here today – encouraged to come by a friend. The labyrinth reminds me that all the tangling up that happens in our life can be untangled. Sometimes the road back is longer than we think, and carries more twisted turns – but there is a way back to “home”. ~FP, Bench Talk, Wisdoms Inspired in Nature

You are always welcome to come walk the labryinth!