“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” ~Psalm 19:1

Apr 7, 2024

Tomorrow, Monday, April 8, a Total Solar Eclipse will cross North America from Mexico to Canada. Millions of people will spend about 5 minutes witnesses something truly magnificent – the moon completely covering the sun, creating total darkness in the middle of the day.

There was a similar eclipse in August on 2017. My husband and I traveled to Jackson Hole, WY to be in the path of totality. When he started planning the trip (years earlier), I thought it was a fairly silly thing to travel thousands of miles to see. But in those moments of totality, I was truly struck by the magnitude, the beauty, and the spirituality of it. There was no escaping the vastness of our universe and the presence of God. It was a profound experience and this time, I am looking forward to sharing it with my husband and our two children. I can’t wait to hear what they think of this spectacular experience!

On Monday, as we are all looking up at the sky (with the special sunglasses on!), won’t it be incredible to think of all the millions of others looking up at the exact same thing? Millions of people all witnesses the power and beauty of what God created?

~ Tessa Newton, Program Manager of Fundraiser for the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA