The Power of Listening

Apr 14, 2024

Today we present thoughts on listening and mindfulness from Jenifer Kirin, a certified life coach who is also a Bon Secours co-worker.  This structured post begins with a poem about listening, followed by a discussion, and lastly, information on how to take action by engaging in an event related to the topic.

On Listening

There is a power
in the listening,
in getting past the thoughts
we want to speak:
to share our similar experience,
to express compassion and empathy,
to prove that we have heard and understood.

Maybe today we drop, stretch, and relax our jaw,
opening our ears further,
and just keep listening.
We learn more and more of the story,
we perceive beyond the words,
we stand in silent, loving, witness
and take a journey of discovery
with the speaker
as, for a very brief duration,
we represent the God who hears us all.

©2024 Jenifer Kirin, Synerjen Coaching

Listening isn’t what you may think it is. At it’s core, listening is about remaining quiet, and it goes beyond not talking. Listening involves being present in the moment with someone, along with using mindfulness to acknowledge and manage your own thoughts. You can’t listen well if you get distracted by your own thoughts in response to what is being said. The work of the determined listener is to accept that thoughts will arise in response to what someone is saying, and to let these thoughts go — just as you would if you were engaging in mindful meditation. This enables a renewed focus on the speaker.  Who will you listen to today?

To learn more about mindfulness, join Dr. Heather Alexander, MD, FAAP on Friday, May 17, 2024 from 9:30am to 4pm as she presents Awareness of God’s Presence Through Mindfulness and Centering Prayer.  Learn more & sign up.  ( Earlybird pricing ends on April 17, 2024.