Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

October 6, 2023

Leaf Release

Last weekend, during the "Be Here Now" retreat led by Mary DeTurris Poust, one of our creative guests composed the poem below and shared it on her blog. Thank you, Christina Delaney, for sharing it with us (click here to check out her blog)! How does nature around you inspire you this season?   I stood in the Peace garden, just to “be” on this last day of September. A small autumn leaf let gravity take over, after a life…


fall, letting go
October 4, 2023

Peace Be Still Today

For today's blog, we're slowing down a bit, following the advice of scripture to pause, to be still and to feel the peace of the Spirit. May peace be with you as you watch this inspiring video and pray the lyrics with us. Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him...Psalm 37:7 Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 Now then, stand still…


blog for stillness
September 29, 2023


During our annual Women's Wellness retreat, our feature presenter, Dr. Heather Alexander, shared a few poignant poems and we're passing one onto you today. Poetry can enrich our spiritual wellness in many ways and we invite you to consider the upcoming "Poetry, Faith, and Mystery" retreat on October 20 with Dr. Barry Casey too (click here for more information). May today's poem provide a visual guide to help you focus, provide peace and help you to open up to receive…


poem for peace
September 29, 2023

Sacred Moments in Nature Left Behind

We were recently approached by the publishers of "BenchTalk", a new book being released next week. It features journal entries from many locations, including guests of our labyrinth! A project of Nature Sacred, they explain the contents: "For 25 years, stirred by nature, people from all walks of life, young and old, have been jotting down their wishes and worries, their grief and gratitude in little yellow journals. Waiting to be discovered by passersby, these waterproof journals are tucked beneath…


labyrinth, Bon Secours
September 27, 2023

Hispanic Heritage and Inspiration

September 15 - October 15 is a month long period to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage. Today, we recognize the need to learn more about these rich cultures and to celebrate all that they have given to our history and the arts. Will you pray with us?   God of all peoples and nations, Dios de todo el mundo — We praise you for your creativity made manifest in the gifts of tribes, ethnicities and cultures across the world. Each one…


Hispanic Heritage Month
September 24, 2023


Today's reflection is a homily shared by Fr. Michael Schleupner. We're so grateful to Fr. Michael for sharing his reflections with us! He can also be seen frequently at the Center, serving as a spiritual director during many of our directed retreats. Click here for his next retreat. Let's take a few moment now to read about his practical approach to forgiveness. Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, if another member of the church[a] sins against me, how…


International Women's Day
September 22, 2023

Be Here Now

We are anxiously anticipating next weekend's "Be Here Now" retreat with author Mary DeTurris Poust. It promises to be an inspiring weekend to help you slow down and focus, paying attention to the daily gifts that God shares with each one of us! Let's read more about it, borrowed from Mary's blog. You can read more about Mary on her website here. The Now is the greatest gift of life because to be in the given moment contains all other…


virtual Lenten retreat
September 20, 2023

Welcome, Autumn!

With autumn officially beginning this weekend, we are anticipating the beautiful strokes from God's paintbrush all around us. Although probably not a favorite season for our groundskeepers ;), many of us really treasure this colorful season at the Center. As we begin to watch the changes of the season it can often lead to thoughts of change within too. Let's pray for time to slow down to appreciate nature during this Fall season. Let us listen for God's voice in…


autumn, fall
September 17, 2023

Prayers for our future spiritual directors

This week at the Center, our 5th  group of participants in the Bon Secours Spiritual Direction Institute is working through the last of three week-long sessions within their certification program. These individuals have felt a calling to serve as a spiritual director to those in need or to deepen their own spirituality in new ways and we pray that they are inspired by the training that they are receiving. Just as the need for professional counseling has increased in recent…


spiritual director, spiritual direction
September 15, 2023

Your Presence Mattters!

Our annual Women's Wellness retreat is this weekend and it is sold out with women who are eager to relax, have fun and be renewed! The theme of our retreat this year is "Your Presence Matters!" and the gifted Dr. Heather Alexander will provide the feature presentations full of information to help our guests evaluate their priorities, relish each moment and then leave with new mindfulness practices to help them to slow down and to see God in their lives.…


Embracing quiet during conversations