Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

June 6, 2021

Saint Ignatius of Loyola – 2

Today’s post is the 2nd in a series by Fr. Michael Schleupner about Saint Ignatius of Loyola. This reflection introduces the inspiring Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Let's take a few quiet moments today to learn about how this incredible resource came to be. Then, we've included a prayer by St. Ignatius at the end. Please pray with us. Saint Ignatius of Loyola - 2 Dear Friends, Toward the end of his life, Ignatius wrote an autobiography and wrote it…


St. Ignatius retreat
June 4, 2021

The Journey Is the Goal

Upcoming retreat presenter, Mary DeTurris Poust, shares another wonderful reflection with us today. During this season of gardening, it is likely something that we can relate to. Let's take a quiet moment to read about a spiritual lesson gained from weeding! If you'd like to learn more about Mary or her upcoming retreat, please click here. The Journey Is the Goal Last week I was working out in a corner of our backyard where I decided to create a meditation…


Mary DeTurris Poust
June 2, 2021

Saint Ignatius of Loyola – 1

Today's post begins a series by Fr. Michael Schleupner about Saint Ignatius of Loyola. This reflection is a great introduction to the priest behind Ignatian spirituality and the foundation of the Jesuits. Several retreats about St. Ignatius are offered at our center each year too and this summer will feature our first 8-day Ignatian Directed Retreat (click here). Fr. Mike's reflection is followed by popular prayer by St. Ignatius. Let's take a few quiet moments to learn more and to…


St. Ignatius retreat
May 28, 2021

To whom else would I go, Lord?

Today's post is a short reflection about faith from Dr. Robert Wicks. Dr. Wicks is a popular speaker and author who shares his expertise in psychology and spirituality. He will be with us this fall for a day retreat, "Simple Care of a Hopeful Heart: Strengthening Your Inner Life in Challenging Times" (click here to read more). Throughout the pandemic, many of us have hung onto our faith on a deeper level to cope with the mounting stress and anxiety.…


Dr. Robert Wicks, healing
May 26, 2021

A Prayer for Pentecost

On Sunday, we celebrated Pentecost - the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the followers of Jesus. As we continue to invite the Holy Spirit to be with us, we share this beautiful prayer. Please take a few quiet moments in prayer with us. If you're able, share your intention with us in the comments. Pentecost Prayer by Joan Chittister, OSB The Holy Spirit embodies the life force of the universe, the power of God, the animating energy present…


holy spirit
May 23, 2021

The Vaccine and Spiritual Reasoning

Today's blog may seem to be an unusual spiritual topic, but Fr. Michael Schleupner shares a personal viewpoint about how he sees spiritual reasoning behind getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Many of our guests are feeling more comfortable with coming back to the Center after receiving their vaccine too. Let's read Fr. Mike's thoughts. We have also included a brief prayer for the vaccinated after his reflection. The Vaccine Dear Friends, Today I want to share with you my spiritual reasons…


vaccine, COVID-19
May 21, 2021

The rules we live by

Mary DeTurris Poust, retreat presenter and author, shares today's inspiring reflection. We look forward to her first retreat at our Center at the end of June, "Broken, Beautiful, and Beloved". You can click here to learn more. If you're feeling 'stuck' in your spiritual life you may want to speak with a spiritual director too. Sr. Bernadette Claps, CBS, meets with spiritual seekers at our Center and you can reach out to her via email at Now, let's take…


spiritual life
May 19, 2021

God’s Presence, Even in the Cicada

After a much anticipated build-up of cicada talk, we are finally starting to see a few around the Retreat & Conference Center. Their "buzz" hasn't begun yet and we do hope these new neighbors will be able to keep it down a bit during their stay. ;) The unique life cycle of these insects certainly piques our interest every 17 years, doesn't it? Can you imagine the anticipation if our lives were so brief? The amazing features of the cicada…


cicada poem
May 16, 2021

Welcome back, Centering Prayer!

Are you familiar with contemplative, Christian meditation practices? If you're curious, but not sure when to begin, we've included a nice introduction video below that we discovered on YouTube. Many find that it's helpful to adopt a prayer practice like this within a group setting. Centering Prayer sessions have been held at our Center for over five years and many guests return week after week for this special time of spiritual growth. Throughout the pandemic, many returning guests and also…


centering prayer, prayer group
May 12, 2021

Songs of Comfort

Today's reflection comes from frequent blogger, Fr. Michael Schleupner. He shared the following through his homily last Sunday, on Mother's Day. It provides wise words inspired by a famous musician for Mother's Day, during the pandemic and really every day of any year. Enjoy the video after the reflection too. How does this inspire you today? Who will you pick today? Share with us in the comments. Songs of Comfort Many of us have heard of the famed cellist Yo…


Join us for a wonderful evening of live musical entertainment