Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

May 2, 2020

Groundhog Day!

Today's post is another great reflection and meditation from retreat presenters Susan Boruff and Kathy Anderson. They will be at our Center June 17-21 to present, “Healing Our World One Person at a Time: Discovering How God’s Love Transforms Ourselves, Our Families, Our Communities and Our World”.  To learn more about the retreat and these presenters, please click here. Let’s read Susan’s perspective on how the pandemic aligns with the classic movie, "Groundhog Day". Don't miss the meditation at the…


May 1, 2020

Hand Washing Blessings

Mickey Reed provides today's inspiring reflection. She is a trained facilitator of Joyce Rupp’s Boundless Compassion program and will be presenting a Boundless Compassion retreat at our Center this fall. You can click here to read more about it and to learn about Mickey too. Hand Washing Blessings Scrolling through my Facebook feed, I was struck by both the beautiful harmony and the bittersweet humor of four Episcopalian acolytes singing the traditional Anglican doxology as they timed their carefully choreographed…


washing hands, song, blog
April 30, 2020

Being Moved Beyond Where We Are

Fr. Phil Cover is a longtime friend of Bon Secours and has presented many retreats, as well as facilitated many group conferences at the Center. Fr. Phil will be with us this summer for a directed retreat and we look forward to seeing him then! Let's take a quiet moment to reflect on Fr. Phil's point of view during the pandemic... Being Moved Beyond Where We Are The Coronavirus pandemic has in many respects turned our world upside down and…


Spirit, Holy Spirit, spirituality during pandemic
April 29, 2020

Peace Be with You

In addition to presenting many creative contemplative retreats at our Center, Debra Donnelly-Barton is the Executive Director of the Center for Spiritual Development and she is also a Spiritual Director. Debra shared the reflection below from the blog on her site. You can click here to explore her website too. Peace Be with You When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked…


April 28, 2020

Holistic Spirituality

Paulist Father Thomas Ryan brings insight to our blog today. Fr. Tom will be presenting a weekend retreat for us this July entitled, "Spiritual Freedom". You can click here to read more about the retreat and about Fr. Tom's experience, which includes a long ministry of international presentations and authoring many books. Let's quiet ourselves and read this reflection... Holistic Spirituality When I was growing up, the geography of spirituality was the interior life, the "life of the soul". Today,…


April 27, 2020

Fire Safety

Rev. Cindy Maybeck writes today's post. As you will see, Rev. Cindy is a great story teller. She'll be sharing her gifts with us again this summer when she presents a weekend retreat about prayer and discernment. You can click here to learn more about it. Let's take a moment to read this short story. Fire Safety “What will you do if there is a fire in your house?” Miss Brady asked her class of third graders. We learned that…


April 26, 2020

Being ‘Good Help’ from Home

Today's reflection comes from a familiar face at our Retreat & Conference Center, Kevin Cassidy. He is the Director of Operations for the Center and is spending most of his time working from home right now. Let's take a quiet moment to read about his perspective, one that many of us likely share. Being 'Good Help' from Home As I am trapped in my house, under cover of COVID-19, I have time to: Reflect on the beauty of Nature, as…


April 25, 2020

The “Small Things” During a Pandemic

Psychologist, author and speaker Dr. Robert J. Wicks offers this insightful reflection today and provides really helpful information about monitoring our mental health during the pandemic. He will be presenting “Simple Care of a Hopeful Heart: Strengthening Your Inner Life In Challenging Times” at our Center on Saturday, November 14. You can click here to read more about this retreat and Dr. Wicks. The "Small Things" During a Pandemic There has been a great deal of coverage as to the…


April 24, 2020

Journey Together

Mickey Reed provides today's post about viewing this time of quarantine as a retreat at home. Mickey is a trained facilitator of Joyce Rupp's Boundless Compassion program and will be presenting a Boundless Compassion retreat at our Center this fall. You can click here to read more about it and to learn about Mickey too. Journey Together Our quarantine time has given new meaning to the whole concept of retreat for me. I always thought a big part of retreat…


peace garden, prayer
April 23, 2020

Let Your Love Flow

We're so grateful for another post by Retreat & Conference Center presenters Susan Boruff and Kathy Anderson. They will be at our Center June 17-21 to present, “Healing Our World One Person at a Time: Discovering How God’s Love Transforms Ourselves, Our Families, Our Communities and Our World”.  To learn more about the retreat and these presenters, please click here. Let’s take a moment to breathe as we read Susan’s post. There is also a meditation at the end by…


ministry retreat, lost and found