Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

March 1, 2024

Spread Compliments, Especially Today!

Today is World Compliment Day. There is a tremendous amount of research showing that spreading kindness drastically improves quality of life to the person receiving the kindness and the person spreading it. So today, take a few moments to intentionally compliment someone you encounter. Goodness and Kindness Prayer   But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal…


February 28, 2024

Honoring African American Inventors & Creators

We are rounding out our Black History Month series with a list of inventions, patents, and creative solutions that we still use today that were created by Black Americans. This listing is not comprehensive and it includes inventions that solved significant problems and also two that bring tremendous joy! Garrett Morgan - the traffic light to include the yellow "warning light" (1922)  Alexander Miles - automatic elevator doors (1887) Mary Van Brittan Brown - home security systems, complete with cameras,…


February 25, 2024

Boundless Curiosity and Swirling Grace

Today's blog is shared by Mary DeTurris Poust, a regular blog contributor and retreat presenter at the Center. It's a story of encountering the Divine through the Lenten season. Mary will be back at our Center April 12-15 leading the Stillpoint Retreat, which focuses on Psalm 46: Be Still. What does that mean in our ever-busy society? How can we be still when so much is expected of us? Mary will lead us through finding spiritual practices we can utilize each…


Stations of the Cross
February 23, 2024

To continue our Black History Month Friday series, today we are featuring the life of Bayard Rustin. Mr. Rustin was a key figure in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. He was born into a Quaker home and grew up in a household of non-violence and civil rights activism. This upbringing lead him to become an adept strategist for the Civil Rights Movement. He worked closely with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and was a key organizer and strategist…


Bayard Rustin prepares for the 1963 March on Washington
February 18, 2024

Lenten Reflection: Comforts, Ego, and Miracles

Fr. Michael Schleupner, one of our frequent retreat presenters and spiritual directors, offers an "Inbox Inspiration" on our blog today. Let's read about this practical story and the poignant lessons from Scripture that he shared recently. ...And Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’” ~ Luke 4:12 (taken from reading Luke 4:1-13) Temptation There is a story about a man who, let’s just say, had put on a few extra pounds. At the…


Fr. Michael Schluepner
February 16, 2024

Beyond my Comprehension

Each Friday of February, we are celebrating Black History Month! Today we are sharing about the life and ministry of Sr. Thea Bowman. Sr. Thea was the first black sister of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, an active part of the Civil Rights Movement, a singer, an educator, and an Evangelist. Sr. Thea spoke often about being Black within the Catholic Church and she was prolific in sharing her culture, heritage, customs, and joy with the Church and all…


Sr. Thea Bowman, image is from the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration's website
February 14, 2024

The Ashes on My Head

Today's Ash Wednesday prayer is brought to us by Pastor Jenny Smith. Rev. Dr. Jenny Smith is the Lead Pastor at Wesley Freedom United Methodist Church in Sykesville, Maryland. Please take a few moments to quiet your heart and mind and then join us in reading... The ashes on my head are a reminder of God’s love for me.  God promises that nothing can separate me from God.  As you see my ashes, remember I am a child of God! …


lent, lenten journey, ash wednesday
February 11, 2024

The Fast Life

With Lent approaching, we are taking today to focus on what we can do to deepen our faith. Often people will give something up for Lent but this poem challenges us to give something up AND take something up, too. What will you FAST from and FEAST on this season? Share in the comments.   The Fast Life Fast from judging others; Feast on Christ dwelling in them. Fast from fear of illness; Feast on the healing power of God.…


love of God
February 9, 2024

Love & Equality

Today we continue our Black History Month series with inspiring pieces from the beloved Maya Angelou. She was not only an incredibly gifted writer, but a civil rights activist too. "Equality" was written in 1990, yet that dream of equality is still yet to be fully achieved. The 2nd poem we're highlighting was written in 1995, entitled "Touched by An Angel" and focuses on something that can make her vision of equality possible, love. We hope you enjoy these beautiful…


Maya Angelou poems
February 7, 2024

The Twists & Turns of the Labyrinth

Our labyrinth was installed in 1999 through Nature Sacred (formerly the TKF Foundation). Nature Sacred's mission is to create green spaces for all to enjoy and share the positive effects from spending time in nature. Our labyrinth is a fixture on our property with many guests building time for a labyrinth walk into their retreat schedule, or others coming here with the sole intention of journeying through the labyrinth. It is a blessing to so many and we are grateful…


Peaceful time in the Labyrinth