Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

November 25, 2022

In Gratitude

During this season of Thanksgiving, we continue to reflect on gratitude. Take a quiet moment to read and reread these quotes of wisdom. Then, enjoy this popular, but very inspirational video below. We've found that even if it's the 10th time you've watched, the message is profound. May you be filled with gratitude for the gift of today. In happy moments, PRAISE GOD. In difficult moments, SEEK GOD. In quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. In painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK…


prayer for fall
November 20, 2022

Someday Is Now

Today's post is an inspiring message from Fr. Michael Schleupner. This seems to be a lesson that most took to heart during the pandemic, but as life has returned to normal, our value of the present moment may get buried in the busyness of our schedules. This may be just the refreshing message we all need! Please take a few quiet moments to read and reflect. *If you are seeking a special time of retreat, Fr. Michael will be serving…


prayer, fear not, faithfulness
November 18, 2022

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit, give me stillness of soul in you. Calm the turmoil within with the gentleness of your peace. Quiet the anxiety within with a deep trust in you. Heal the wounds of sin within with the joy of your presence. Strengthen the faith within with the awareness of your presence. Confirm the hope within with the knowledge of your strength. Give fullness to the love within with an outpouring of your love. O Holy Spirit, be to me…


winter prayer
November 16, 2022

A Blessing for Presence

Gordon Creamer presented a retreat for caregiver's on Saturday. These retreats are needed so desperately for guests who give so much to loved ones in their daily lives. The retreats offer time to focus on their spirituality and to receive resources to help them better navigate through their journey. Gordon shared the blessing below during the retreat and we're sharing in hopes that it blesses other caregivers reading the blog today. Or, maybe you have a friend or family member…


November 13, 2022

Good Help

The United States Sisters of Bon Secours held their fall Assembly at the Center last week, gathering as a community for ministry updates and inspiration. As we gathered with sisters and caught up in casual conversations in the hall, we were reminded of the privilege we have to work through their Retreat & Conference Center ministry, continuing their legacy of Good Help. From an ancient flower, A new sign springs forth; Comes now, freed of ornamentation, Bearing anew In the…


November 11, 2022

A Veterans Day Prayer

In recognition of Veterans Day, we pray for all of those who have served our country. Let us recognize their great sacrifice and hold onto our hope of peace for the future. Prayer for Our Veterans Loving God, We ask for blessings on all those who have served their country in the armed forces. We ask for healing for the Veterans who have been wounded, in body and soul, in conflicts around the globe. We pray especially for the young…


4th of July prayer
November 9, 2022

Finding Gratitude and Grace

Author and retreat presenter, Mary DeTurris Poust, is sharing a heart-felt blog with us today. Do you have a community of spiritual seekers that you're grateful for? Maybe you've connected with them at our center! Please share with us. We'd love to hear about how these internal homing devices led you here! Finding gratitude and grace This autumn has been a season of deep gratitude and growing awe. Whether it has to do with my age or my circumstances or…


International Women's Day
November 6, 2022

Our Image of God – 5 & 6

Today we are catching up on a few reflections by one of our favorite retreat presenters and spiritual directors, Fr. Michael Schleupner. He continues his series about cultivating our image of God. Let's learn more from Fr. Michael's insights below. Our Image of God - 5 Dear Friends, In the last "Our Image of God" blog, I shared a more recent understanding of Original Sin and the Sacrament of Baptism. This understanding does not leave us human beings feeling tainted,…


Jesus on Cross
November 4, 2022


Even at the gates of hell, Believe in redemption. Let my grace and power work, Where you have none. It is only for you To believe and to trust. Be confident. Trust. Love. Do not condemn. Believe, In the face of unbelief. Hope against hope. This is faith. This is the gift most needed For those who have suffered So deeply, and lost all. You must manifest love and hope. It is only then That my people will begin to…


come, Lord
October 28, 2022

Psalm 23 Prayer

We discovered this beautiful video meditation for the 23rd Psalm. If you are reflecting on loss that you've suffered or simply need to feel the strength of Jesus in a special way, we pray that this provides some source of comfort and hope in your day. Amen.  

