Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

August 30, 2020

Come to Me, My weary one…

Before each of our staff meetings at the Retreat & Conference Center, we begin with a prayerful reflection. It isn't uncommon for that reflection to be read from one of Sarah Young's popular "Jesus Calling" books. These daily devotionals select a passage from Scripture and then share the author's wisdom on how Jesus is speaking to us, making it personalized. As we worship and rest today, we hope that you will also be comforted by the Spirit. "Come to me,…


August 28, 2020

Accept. Adapt. Surrender. Trust

Today's post is from author Mary DeTurris Poust's blog, "Not Strictly Spiritual". Mary shared her blog with us and is looking forward to her weekend retreat at our Center next summer. We just added her "Broken, Beautiful and Beloved: Learning to See Ourselves Through the Eyes of God" retreat to our website and you can read more about it here. Thanks for sharing your blog with our readers too, Mary. Let's take a few moments to reflect on her thoughts...…


August 26, 2020

Earth’s Wild Wisdom

Debra Donnelly-Barton has graciously shared her Summer Meditations with our blog and today's post is the last in this series. Let's take a few moments to contemplatively read her reflection and then maybe take time to be outdoors, recognizing this deep sense of Presence. A Liturgy of the Living Earth Praying the hours in tune with nature Summer Meditations Earth's Wild Wisdom The greatest delight which the fields and woods minister is that I am not alone and unacknowledged. They…


August 23, 2020


We were so happy to have Fr. Michael Schleupner here at the Center this week as he served as a spiritual director on our Directed Retreat and offered daily mass to our guests. Fr. Mike shared the following with his guests on their opening night and we thought that our online readers would appreciate these words to contemplate too. Let's take a quiet moment to Focus and to Reflect. Focus  Mark 1:9-11          “Beloved” In those days Jesus came from Nazareth…


August 21, 2020

Pray. Pause. Breathe. Heal.

Today's post comes from the Catholic Health Association of the United States. You can click here to read more about their important organization. Let's take a moment to reflect on the prayer below and then watch a short meditation video. Pray. Pause. Breath. Heal. Prayer for a Pandemic, by Cameron Bellm May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake. May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable. May we who have the…


August 19, 2020

Sabbath, Blessings and Desire

Debra Donnelly-Barton offers another beautiful reflection today within her “Litany of the Living Earth” series. She has presented several retreats at our Center and we look forward to hosting her again in the future. Let’s take a few quiet moments to read about her next reflection about flowers near her home on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and how it parallel's with a gospel lesson. A Liturgy of the Living Earth Praying the hours in tune with nature Summer Meditations…


August 16, 2020

Let Your Light Shine

As we deal with effects of the pandemic, effects that we never anticipated would endure so long, the world around us can feel very heavy. If you're feeling weighed down by everything today, we hope that this prayer will remind you to lean on the Light. Let this Presence scatter the darkness...   Let Your Light Shine As the sun rises, Lord, Let your light shine on me. Destroy the darkness about me, Scatter the darkness before me, Disperse the…


Sunrise over our propery
August 14, 2020

Vespers II, A Deep Exhale

Today’s reflection is another in the series by Debra Donnelly-Barton and offers a beautiful way to end the week and welcome the weekend. Debra continues to inspire with these “Litany of the Living Earth” reflections and today she continues her Vespers series. She has presented several retreats at our Center and we look forward to hosting her again in the future. Let’s take a few quiet moments to read about her next reflection on the vesper light. A Liturgy of…


August 12, 2020

Walk to the Labyrinth…

"Prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."   ~St. Therese of Lisieux   “The labyrinth literally reintroduces the experience of walking a clearly defined path. This reminds us that there is a path, a process that brings us to unity, to the center of our beings. In the simple act of walking, the soul finds solace and peace.”  ~ Lauren…


August 9, 2020

Weeds or Wheat?

Fr. Michael shares today's reflection, based on the gospel lesson from a few weeks ago. We are excited to welcome Fr. Michael back to the Center, in person, when he serves as a spiritual director during our August Directed Retreat. He'll also be celebrating daily Mass with the retreatants too. There are still a few spots available and you can learn more here. Let's take a few quiet moments to read Fr. Michael's lesson from scripture. Weeds or Wheat? The…