Retreat with Us
Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.
As we deal with effects of the pandemic, effects that we never anticipated would endure so long, the world around us can feel very heavy. If you're feeling weighed down by everything today, we hope that this prayer will remind you to lean on the Light. Let this Presence scatter the darkness... Let Your Light Shine As the sun rises, Lord, Let your light shine on me. Destroy the darkness about me, Scatter the darkness before me, Disperse the…
Today’s reflection is another in the series by Debra Donnelly-Barton and offers a beautiful way to end the week and welcome the weekend. Debra continues to inspire with these “Litany of the Living Earth” reflections and today she continues her Vespers series. She has presented several retreats at our Center and we look forward to hosting her again in the future. Let’s take a few quiet moments to read about her next reflection on the vesper light. A Liturgy of…
"Prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy." ~St. Therese of Lisieux “The labyrinth literally reintroduces the experience of walking a clearly defined path. This reminds us that there is a path, a process that brings us to unity, to the center of our beings. In the simple act of walking, the soul finds solace and peace.” ~ Lauren…
Fr. Michael shares today's reflection, based on the gospel lesson from a few weeks ago. We are excited to welcome Fr. Michael back to the Center, in person, when he serves as a spiritual director during our August Directed Retreat. He'll also be celebrating daily Mass with the retreatants too. There are still a few spots available and you can learn more here. Let's take a few quiet moments to read Fr. Michael's lesson from scripture. Weeds or Wheat? The…
Today’s reflection is another in the series by Debra Donnelly-Barton. Debra continues to inspire with these “Litany of the Living Earth” reflections. She has presented several retreats at our Center and we look forward to hosting her again in the future. Let’s take a few quiet moments to read about her reflection on the vesper light. A Liturgy of the Living Earth Praying the hours in tune with nature Summer Meditations Vespers, Glorious Light Now as we come to the…
Welcome back to our blog. Susan Boruff writes today's reflection and Kathy Anderson follows with a meditation video. Susan and Kathy frequently present retreats at our Center. Let's take a few moments to quietly reflect on their thoughts and to connect with God. As It Is In Heaven By: Susan Boruff “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” ~Rumi Have you ever thought about the millions of people that gather every Sunday and pray together saying, “your kingdom…
Today’s reflection is the fourth in a series by Debra Donnelly-Barton. Debra continues to inspire with these "Litany of the Living Earth" reflections. She has presented several retreats at our Center and we look forward to hosting her again in the future. Let’s take a few quiet moments to read about her lessons from the garden. A Liturgy of the Living Earth Praying the hours in tune with nature Summer Meditations, 2020 Sabbath, Mustard Seeds and Zucchini “The kingdom of…
Today's reflection is the third in a series that features recent photos from around the Center's grounds. Inspiring quotes also follow the pictures. Let's take a quiet moment to browse through the photos, reflect on the quotes and feel the Spirit as we take a virtual walk to the Peace Garden today... …
As our country honors the late Congressman John Lewis this week, we remember this politician and brave civil-rights leader who served in the United States House of Representatives for Georgia's 5th congressional district since 1987. Let's pause and be inspired by his words... “You are a light. You are the light. Never let anyone—any person or any force—dampen, dim or diminish your light. Study the path of others to make your way easier and more abundant. Lean toward the whispers…
Fr. Michael Schleupner offers today's final reflection in the series about spirituality. We're so grateful for his insight throughout this series. Let's take a few quiet moments to read and pray... Spirituality – 6 Dear Friends, In the past weeks, I have reflected on Spirituality and on four of its core elements: Faith, Prayer, Habit, and Connectedness. This series concludes today as my attention turns to one more core element: Beauty. Beauty, as an element of spirituality, may at first…