Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

April 29, 2022

You Can

As we prepare for tonight's concert with Carrie Newcomer, let's take a few quiet moments to contemplate the encouragement from a popular song, "You Can Do This Hard Thing". We hope that if you're facing struggles today, it will give you the nudge, the encouragement, the faith that you can get through it. We hope that this prayer will also remind you that "you can do all things..." Limited tickets are still available for the 7pm concert. Please call 410-442-3120…


Carrie Newcomer concert
April 27, 2022

Until Now

We are so excited to welcome award-winning artist, Carrie Newcomer, along with pianist Gary Walters, back to our Center this week! After two years of rescheduling, due to the pandemic, it will surely be an event that everyone appreciates even more! Her lyrics and sound will inspire and heal our audience during her Chapel concert this Friday. She'll be featuring songs from her new album 'Until Now' and other favorites. If you haven't registered yet, there's still time! Click here.…


Carrie Newcomer concert
April 24, 2022

Easter Hope

Today's post comes from one of our frequent retreat presenters, Fr. Michael Schleupner. Let's read his timely insight about hope from the resurrection and how we can carry it with us today, even as we hear of more devastating news each day. Easter Hope Dear Friends, With the Russian invasion of Ukraine and all the human tragedy happening there, this Easter turns my inner spirit to hope. Easter, the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection, inspires hope in me. I see hope…


hope, resurrection
April 8, 2022

Put It Back Together

Fr. Michael Schleupner shares last Sunday's homily with us today, opening with a little humor in to convey an important lesson from Jesus. Let's take a few quiet moments to meditate on this passage from Scripture today. 5th Sunday in Lent, Cycle C Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. But early in the morning he arrived again in the temple area and all the people started coming to him, and he sat down and taught them. Then the scribes…


Jesus, followers
April 6, 2022

Seek the stillness

Now that activities have resumed, are you finding that your calendar feels too full? Are you stressed from feeling pulled into too many directions with endless 'to-do' lists? Today's post offers reflections from the gifted Joyce Rupp that may help you to relish a few quiet moments in contemplation, especially as we approach Holy Week. So, let's sit in a comfortable position, let's breathe in and out, in and out, and pray to be able to hear that still, small…


finding God in the mess
April 3, 2022

Prayers for the Fifth Week of Lent

As we quickly approach Holy Week, we are offering a week of prayers for this 5th week of Lent. We hope that you'll have a few moments to slow down and find quiet time each day to reflect on this phase of your Lenten journey. May these prayers enrich your experience. The Fifth Week of Lent Sunday My loving Lord, it's so hard to love the world sometimes and to love it the way Jesus did seems impossible. Help me…


prayer, interfaith
April 1, 2022

A Moment of Meditation

Mary DeTurris Poust presented a virtual Lenten retreat last month and shared a beautiful guided meditation with the guests. We're happy to share this with our readers too. Please see below. So, let's take a deep breath and enjoy.


Lent, Candle
March 30, 2022

Pandemic Perseverance

Many media outlets spoke about the two-year anniversary of the pandemic this month. We were certainly all affected significantly by the pandemic in one way or many ways. As we reflect on this anniversary, we especially hold those in our hearts who lost loved ones to COVID-19. In many ways, it seems like yesterday when we walked out of the Retreat & Conference with some of our belongings, preparing to work from home for a few weeks, which turned into…


Solar Eclipse
March 27, 2022

Lent Musings

For today's blog, we're catching up on two recent writings within a Lenten series from Fr. Michael Schleupner. Fr. Michael is a favorite retreat presenter and spiritual director here at the Center and we really appreciate how he shares his writing with our blog audience! We hope that you're blessed from his words of inspiration during this sacred season of Lent. Lent Musings - 2 Dear Friends, My March 13 'Temptation' blog concluded with my saying that fasting from food…


Marriage retreat
March 25, 2022

Praying for Women Around the World

For our last blog of the Women's History Month and International Women's Day series, we ask you to pause and reflect on the leaders you have admired and in your own lives. Pray for women across the world. Thank them for their contributions to equality and justice, whether it be headline worthy or quietly within their own communities. Honor those special women have impacted your life and share about it in the comments too. A Prayer for Women Leaders Around…


International Women's Day