Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

December 18, 2020

With Every Christmas Card I Write

Today's post comes from Tara Mulder. Tara is one of the friendly faces you may have seen in our Welcome Center. She serves as the Guest Services Coordinator and assists with conference group and retreat reservations. Tara is also a very talented artist. She'll be sharing a follow-up 2020 Christmas card post next week. Let's read about her creative process and Scripture insights used with her Christmas cards. With Every Christmas Card I Write, Part 1 For Christmas 2019, I…


Tara Mulder studios
December 16, 2020

Commit to Spiritual Self-Care this Advent

Today's post comes from Mary DeTurris Poust who will be presenting a wonderful weekend retreat at our Center next summer. Click here to read more. Today, Mary shares about a wonderful gift that we can give ourselves this Advent. Commit to spiritual self-care this Advent by Mary DeTurris Poust  Advent in our modern world has long been behind the cultural eight ball. It’s a season of waiting in a world of instant gratification, a season of quiet anticipation in a…


hope, candle
December 13, 2020

Breaking News

Fr. Michael Schleupner, friend of our Center and frequent retreat presenter, shares about the best kind of breaking news on our blog today. Let's take a few quiet moments to read his reflection... Breaking News Today, when we watch the news on TV, we often see the words Breaking News. Breaking News appears when a story is new. It is intended to grab our attention. For example, a few weeks ago, we saw Breaking News when an American pharmaceutical company,…


news, blog
December 11, 2020

Fear Not

During the pandemic, when we are bombarded with news of climbing COVID rates, it's difficult not to feel afraid. When we leave our homes, we even have to wear a visible sign of this caution - our face masks. It's easy to become overwhelmed with anxiety this year. So, today we thought it would be good to go back to the basics of our faith. Please take a few quiet moments and prayerfully read some of the many verses in…


Bible on altar
December 9, 2020

Blowing Winds of Change…

As autumn begins to make its exit, the temperatures have dramatically dropped in our area! This change can be reflected in many analogies about ourselves too. Take a moment to read this beautiful poem as we seek the Spirit of hope and strength. Spirit, blowing winds of change into our world and letting loose the leaves of last year’s experiences, I am being tossed around too, slipping under what I can’t seem to let go of. The golden sunlight shines…


changes, pandemic
December 6, 2020

Hang in There

Today's reflection comes from Fr. Michael Schleupner, a retreat presenter at our Center. He offers these helpful reminders for dealing with the pandemic. At a time when we may be disappointed about rising COVID numbers and how this is impacting our upcoming plans for Christmas, these can be helpful as we cope and take care of our physical and mental health. What do you implement in your daily life? Hang in There Dear Friends, We are all very aware of…


health, pandemic
December 4, 2020

A Pilgrimage of Stillness

Today's reflection comes from Amy Kulesa, Director of the Bon Secours Associates and a frequent retreat presenter at the Center. Amy is leading a contemplative Advent weekend retreat that begins today so we thought it was perfect timing to share this! She'll also be leading "The Healing Power of Purpose" day retreat on January 2. Click here to learn more. Now, let's take a quiet moment to read this beautiful Advent reflection that Amy shared. A Pilgrimage of Stillness Advent…


Advent prayer
December 2, 2020

Prayer of Hope

During the first week of Advent, we focus on hope. This theme is likely even more poignant to you this year. Hope is something that we are clinging to amidst the pandemic. Let's take a few quiet moments to lift each other up with this prayer of hope as we welcome the season of Advent. “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of…


Sisters of Bon Secours, Advent Retreat
November 29, 2020

Pope Francis – Being Provident

Fr. Michael concludes his series on Pope Francis today with great insight into this culture of care. Maybe there is one suggestion of providence that you can apply from this message. As we watch the season change and reflect on this time of thanksgiving, let us care for creation in a special, meaningful way. Pope Francis - 5 Dear Friends, In his encyclical Laudato Si’ – On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis calls us to a culture of…


November 27, 2020

Love Wins

Today's post comes from retreat presenter, Susan Boruff. She shares insight from scripture about focusing on the love of God, even during the darkness of the pandemic. We hope that this will inspire and reassure you today. Love Wins “Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me. Be silent.” ~Rumi If the battle between good and evil has already been won, why don’t we act like winners? Winners for love. If we can take the words of…


love, love of God