Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

November 22, 2023

Prayers for Thanksgiving Day

In anticipation of tomorrow's holiday, we are offering a few prayers that you may find helpful in your celebration. The first prayer can be used if you are gathering with loved ones and another that can be used even if you are marking the occasion alone. No matter what the holiday looks like, God has given us abundant blessings! May you be able to focus on those gifts today and always. Crowded With Gratitude Lord God, Our hearts are crowded…


Happy Thanksgiving
November 19, 2023

Thank you, retreat guests!

Today's post is written by our blog editor, Jen Murphy, Manager of Marketing & Events. As some of you may know, I'll be leaving my position as the Manager of Marketing & Events and my last day will be Friday, December 1. This was a very tough decision to make, but I know that God is calling me to a new opportunity. I started this blog during the early days of the pandemic when our doors were closed but we…


November 17, 2023

Let Your God Love You

Let Your God Love You Be silent. Be still. Alone. Empty Before your God. Say nothing. Ask nothing. Be silent. Be still. Let your God look upon you. That is all. God knows. God understands. God loves you With an enormous love, And only wants To look upon you With that love. Quiet. Still. Be. Let your God— Love you. From


love, healing
November 15, 2023

Companion of Hurting Hearts

As we approach the festive holiday season, we must also remember that there are many who are hurting and this time of year may be even harder for them. We offer this beautiful Joyce Rupp poem as a reminder to reach out to those who are lonely and in need and to also remind you that the Spirit is always there to comfort and offer peace. We pray that you feel that Presence today. Companion of Hurting Hearts, When my…


Jesus love
November 12, 2023

Morning Prayers of Gratitude

As the weekend "A Happy Heart in Gratitude" Women's Retreat comes to a close today, we offer the following morning prayers that retreat presenter, Paula Jilanis, shared with the guests. May you feel deep gratitude for all of God's gifts in your life this morning!   Awakening in a moment of peace I give thanks to the source of all peace as I set forth into the day the birds sing with new voices and I listen and give thanks.…


sunrise, morning meditation
November 10, 2023

Gratitude for Holy Moments

Here at the Center it is common to hear guests, presenters and group leaders express how the Spirit led them here. They often share how they have received exactly what they need from presentations, community and the grounds. They also sometimes comment how they didn't even really know they needed, but were drawn to be here at that time. What a blessing, as a staff, to be able to receive these comments! We are so grateful to have a small…


candle, prayer
November 8, 2023

Divine Guidance

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 Do not assume that divine guidance flows only when you are in need of help. Guidance continues to flow whether or not you have problems. It transcends problems, heartbreaks, and traumas, flowing through dreams and illuminations. Whether guidance comes during times of tranquility or trauma, however, it is up…


Praying for God's guidance
November 5, 2023

As a deer yearns for running streams…

During a recent Centering Prayer session, the following Psalm was shared. Then later the facilitator, Amy Kulesa, noticed that this was the fall decoration in the Welcome Center, created by Guest Services Agent Vivian Eddy. Coincidence? Maybe. But, could it be an example of how the Holy Spirit shares common themes in our lives? Quite possibly. Think about how the Spirit is speaking to you today. We just need to take time to be quiet and to listen. Let's meditate…


deer at water
November 3, 2023

Letting Go…Letting God

The Sacrament of Letting Go Slowly She celebrated the sacrament of Letting Go… First she surrendered her Green Then the Orange, yellow, and Red… Finally she let go of her Brown… Shedding her last leaf She stood empty and silent, stripped bare Leaning against the sky she began her vigil of trust… Shedding her last leaf She watched its journey to the ground… She stood in silence, Wearing the color of emptiness Her branches wondering: How do you give shade,…


November 1, 2023

Prayer for All Saints Day

Today we recognize All Saints Day. We remember the many saints we've learned about through scripture and writings from history. Please take a quiet moment in prayer to remember the wide variety of saints before us. "May we learn how to walk wisely from their examples of faith, dedication, worship, and love." Prayer for All Saints Day We give you thanks, O God, for all the saints who ever worshiped you Whether in brush arbors or cathedrals, Weathered wooden churches…


All Saints Day prayer