Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

April 11, 2021

For the Living among the Dead?

Today's blog features a homily that Fr. Michael Schleupner delivered on Easter Sunday. It's a message that can inspire us throughout this Easter season and beyond! “For the Living among the Dead?” John 20:1-18, Mark 16:1-8 “Why are you looking for the living One among the dead?” We hear this question in today’s gospel. Maybe it’s a good idea to allow it to be asked directly to ourselves: “Why are you looking for the living One among the dead?” Could…


resurrection, Easter season
April 9, 2021

Spring Garden

Here in Marriottsville, we've been enjoying really beautiful weather this week! Nature is rejoicing in this Easter season too! Parts of the campus have bloomed and others are simply bursting with buds in anticipation of a few more days of sunshine. Our hearts are full of gratitude for the season and also full of hope as more staff members become vaccinated and guests share that they are now vaccinated too. It's certainly a springtime of hope! Are you enjoying these…


spring, poetry
April 7, 2021

What does the sacrifice mean to us?

Happy Easter! This joyous greeting that has been heard throughout the Retreat & Conference Center halls this week. What does that greeting hold for you? Rainey Taylor, our Sales Manager, wrote a beautiful reflection below that expounds on a favorite passage from scripture to unpack the meaning of Jesus' sacrifice for each one of us. Let's take a few quiet moments to read her thoughts... What does the sacrifice mean to us? Whenever I find myself thinking of the sacrifice…


savior, easter blog
March 31, 2021

Rembrandt – at the Crucifixion

Fr. Michael Schleupner shared this on Palm Sunday, but it's a poignant message to carry throughout Holy Week.  Our last post painted the picture of Palm Sunday and today we can visualize more details of the crucifixion, analyzing our own personal role as we journey to "The Raising of the Cross". Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16 Jesus enters Jerusalem as the crowds shout, “Hosanna!” Isaiah 50:4-7 The Lord’s servant will stand firm, even when persecuted. Psalm 22:8-9,17-18,19-20,23-24 A cry for…


March 28, 2021

What kind of king are you?

Our blog today features a beautiful poem to mark Palm Sunday. Are you laying down palms at the feet of Jesus today? Let's read each word slowly and try to visualize our journey that leads to the cross, following the path of our one true King. What kind of king are you? What kind of king rides on a donkey a donkey that might be borrowed, or might be hijacked? What kind of king builds a castle with a wide-open…


palm sunday, Jesus
March 26, 2021

I will become hopeful and expectant…

Today's reflection is a Lenten prayer, set to a beautiful video of our grounds. It was produced by our Housekeeping Lead, Rashad Polk. We're so grateful for the many creative gifts of our staff! Now, let's take a few deep breaths, remember that we're in the presence of God and prayerfully listen and watch as we explore the beauty around us...


Bon Secours, retreat
March 24, 2021

Lazarus and the Light

Today's blog comes from our Guest Services Coordinator and a gifted artist, Tara Mulder. She reflects upon a recent virtual retreat that she attended through our Center and how it inspired another beautiful piece of art! Lazarus and the Light This little number started as a sketch during a spiritual retreat with poet Kathy Staudt, offered by Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center. The Center, where I have the most wonderful day job, hosts a variety of in-person and virtual retreats…


retreat art, virtual retreat
March 21, 2021

The Lifting Up

Fr. Michael Schleupner offered this reflection last week, the fourth Sunday of Lent, a lesson of healing that we can carry with us any time as we gaze up at the cross. The Lifting Up: Background Jesus says: “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up…” Jesus is referring to an incident when the Israelites were in the desert after being freed from slavery in Egypt. Life got very…


religious blog
March 19, 2021

The Feast of St. Joseph

Today's post is another from Sr. Ji Choi, novice with the Sisters of Bon Secours. Sr. Ji is enjoying her time in ministry within retreat services and has been offering Stations of the Cross mini-retreats on Friday afternoons. She'll be hosting the last one next Friday. Click here to read more about this free retreat! Now, let's take a few quiet moments to read her reflection on this special feast day... Prayer to Saint Joseph March 19th is the Feast…


Feast of St. Joseph
March 17, 2021

A St. Patrick’s Day of Gratitude

Today's reflection comes from Jen Murphy, Manager of Retreats & Events. Let's read her unique reflection about this festive day. Happy St. Patrick's Day! That fun-filled greeting now has new meaning to me. Last year at the Retreat & Conference Center, as we had for many years before, I was looking forward to another fun St. Patrick's Day event, held on the Sunday before the upcoming weekday holiday. As that date approached though, growing concerns about the pandemic forced it's…


St. Patricks Day