Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

October 21, 2020


Susan Boruff offers another reflection for our blog today. She speaks of the wisdom of the late Fr. Thomas Keating and how we can implement the silence and science of meditation into our daily lives. We've added a brief YouTube video about his life and prayer at the end of today's post. Take a deep breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. Please read along... Changes   By: Susan Boruff "Your relationship with God, others, yourself, and all creation keeps changing for…


October 18, 2020

The Rosary

Today's post comes from a friend of the Retreat & Conference Center, Fr. Michael Schleupner. Fr. Mike has presented many retreats for our Center and we look forward to seeing him again soon! Let's take a few quiet moments to read his thoughts about the Rosary. The Rosary Dear Friends, Today I am thinking about mysteries. I do not mean a Sherlock Holmes mystery that a good detective can solve. Instead, I am referring to the great mysteries of life,…


October 16, 2020

Knowing the Heart of God

Today's post was shared by Amy Kulesa, the Director of the Sisters of Bon Secours Associates. Amy is a frequent retreat presenter at our Center too and will be with us for a special Advent weekend retreat in December. You can learn more about it by clicking here. Now, let's take a few quiet moments to read these words from Henri Nouwen about God's love. Knowing God’s heart means consistently, radically, and very concretely to announce and reveal that God…


3rd Sunday in Lent. We are hopeful as we journey towards the Resurrection of Jesus.
October 14, 2020

Cultivating Silence

Today's post is the continuation of last week's blog from retreat presenter Susan Boruff. Susan shares insights from scripture about meditation and then provides a video at the bottom that can walk you through a 12 minute meditation. We hope that you'll join us. Cultivating Silence By: Susan Boruff As we learned in last week's post, the Desert Mothers and Fathers sought God in the solitude and silence of the deserts in Syria and Egypt. They escaped the busyness and…


October 11, 2020

Prayer for Peace in Anxiety

After over six months of precautions and pressures from the pandemic, many of us are seeking a calming peace. We hope that you'll be able to pause for this prayer and meditation from the Catholic Health Association today, providing renewed strength and hope. For Peace in Anxiety ​During the Coronavirus Pandemic Loving God, we come to you full of anxiety about what may happen in the coming days and weeks. Shower us with the peace Jesus promised to his disciples,…


October 9, 2020

A Blessing for Healing

Today's post is a prayer from Joyce Rupp, OSM. Do you know someone who is in need of physical, emotional or spiritual healing? Why not reach out to them with this beautiful prayer for healing? Just reading it may spark a bit of strength and faith that they need today. A Blessing for Healing May the ever-present love of family and friends sustain and support you, especially in those times when you feel alone and lonely. May you accept your…


October 7, 2020


Today's post is shared by one of our retreat presenters, Susan Boruff. At this point in the pandemic, many of us are becoming more busy again as activities resume. Are you craving times of silence? Let's learn more about how solitude can improve many areas of our life. Silence By: Susan Boruff “The key to action that knows and cares for the other is to know and care for ourselves. Spending time in solitude is never selfish. It is ultimately…


October 2, 2020

Perfectly Imperfect

Today's post is a reflection from Fr. Michael Schleupner. Fr. Mike is a frequent presenter at our Center and we look forward hosting him next summer for one of our directed retreats. You can learn more about that retreat here. Let's take a few quiet moments to read Fr. Mike's words today. Dear Friends, I have often wondered about Jesus' words: "Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." That is really challenging. Let's face it: we will never arrive at the point…


prayers for illness
September 30, 2020

The Expectations of Beauty

Today's post is shared by upcoming presenter Sr. Chris Koellhoffer, IHM. We are excited to be able to host her in 2022 for a Lenten retreat. Her blog 'Mining the Now: Uncovering the Sacred in the Dailiness of Life' features many inspiring reflections from nature like this. As the seasons are changing and we're noticing God's brushstrokes in the fall colors we thought you would enjoy reading this reflection about lessons from nature. The Expectations of Beauty Let’s hear it…


September 27, 2020

Prayer for the Present Moment

Our annual Women's Wellness retreat was held last weekend and although it was different with our face masks and social distancing, everyone really enjoyed their time together at the Center! Andrea Springer gave insightful and humorous presentations about the importance of being present and she shared how we can incorporate daily practices into our lives each day. Do you use meditation, purpose statements or prayerful practices like mandalas to remind you to be grateful for each moment, even during this…