Retreat with Us

Welcome to the Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center’s blog! This blog will extend our retreat ministry by bringing prayers and reflections into your home ‘retreat’. Many of our presenters and staff share their homilies, favorite prayers and reflections through this medium. We encourage you to comment, pass it along to friends or simply take a moment to pray with us. We hope that this will serve as a moment during your day when you can ‘retreat with us’.

June 15, 2020

A Prayer for Inner Peace

As many of us feel weighed down by this time of uncertainty and turmoil, let's take a moment for prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to wash over us with peace. A Prayer for Inner Peace Lord, please put Your peace in my heart. I'm worried and anxious. My mind races and obsesses. I can't help thinking about my problems. And the more I think about them, the more depressed I become. I feel like I'm sinking down in quicksand and…


Relaxing retreat
June 14, 2020

Compassion for the World

Today, we share the most recent "The Pope Video". Let us prayerfully consider this message from Pope Francis and offer compassion to the world, especially during this uncertain time.  


heart, labyrinth
June 13, 2020


Fr. Michael Schleupner offers today's reflection about spirituality. Let’s take a quiet moment to read Fr. Michael's insights. Dear Friends, I have decided to do a few posts on the topic of spirituality. In Catholicism and much of Christianity, and, I think, in other faith traditions also, this has become a major focus over the past fifty years. And it should be! Why? Because we all have a spirituality, whether we know it or not. What is spirituality? The place…


journey, meditation, prayer
June 12, 2020

To do, to become…

A Sabbath Prayer We cannot merely pray to you, O God, to end war; For we know that You have made the world in a way that people must find their own path to peace within themselves and with their neighbors. We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end starvation; For You have already given us the resources with which to feed the entire world, if we would only use them wisely. We cannot merely pray to You,…


June 11, 2020

Little Losses

Today's post comes from Jen Murphy, Manager of Retreat & Events at the Center. She misses her coworkers, presenters and guests and looks forward to being together again. Let's take a few minutes to read Jen's thoughts about the sense of loss that we've all been feeling during the pandemic. Little Losses Throughout the pandemic, I often hear people describing their feelings as 'weird' and something that they can't quite figure out how to express. It's understandable. We've never been…


blog, meditation, contemplation
June 10, 2020

Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

Today's post is another inspiring, spiritual reflection from Fr. Michael Schleupner. Let's take a quiet moment to contemplate God within us. Solemnity of the Holy Trinity  The Book of Genesis says that we are made “in God’s image and likeness.” Today, we honor God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, because we are made “in God’s image and likeness,” there must be signs or traces in us of God as Father, as Son, and as Holy Spirit. For starters, let’s be aware…


June 9, 2020

How You Can Cure Violence

Today's post is a timely reflection and meditation from retreat presenters Susan Boruff and Kathy Anderson. Let's take a few quiet moments to read this reflection by Susan and then watch the video at the end by Kathy. How You Can Cure Violence “We each contain the potentials to be both destructive and creative.” Jeremiah Abrams, Jungian therapist. I was talking to a friend the other day about the documentary Tiger King. He told me that he didn’t realize that…


June 8, 2020

Prayer During a Pandemic

Prayer during a Pandemic Loving God, Holy One, Your desire is for our wholeness and well-being. We hold in tenderness and prayer the collective suffering of our world at this time. We grieve precious lives lost and vulnerable lives threatened. We ache for ourselves and our neighbors, standing before an uncertain future. We pray: may love, not fear, go viral. Inspire our leaders to discern and choose wisely, aligned with the common good. In the midst of social distancing reveal…


Life Lessons from a Dandelion
June 7, 2020

Lessons from the Feast of Pentecost

Today's reflection is from Fr. Michael Schleupner. He will be serving as a spiritual director this August during our Directed Retreat. If you'd like to learn more about Fr. Michael or the retreat, please click here. He offered this reflection last Sunday for Pentecost and it speaks to the compassion that our world needs so much right now. Please prayerfully reflect with us. The Feast of Pentecost  Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain…


June 6, 2020

In Pursuit of Justice…Black Lives Matter…All Lives Matter

Today's reflection is brought to us by Brenda Nelson. She is the Regional Program Coordinator for the Sisters of Bon Secours Associates in South Carolina and Florida. Brenda shared this with the associates and is extending it to our broader community. Please take a few moments to join us in community as we pray for peace and respect for all. In Pursuit of Justice...Black Lives Matter... All Lives Matter Let's shift our focus from the COVID-19 Virus to another pandemic…